Quote:held to with ardor and faith
Thats where our paths diverge. Anyone associated with science knows that theories are held very lightly in the hand lest some new data just blows it off. Thats why your definition applies not to the sciences that support evolution.
. If a murder is commited, the criminalist uses science to find EVIDENCE of the culprit and the crime. Its a basis of statistical certainty or reasonable degree of scientific certainty. Most scientists prior to Darwin were theists and actually used acounts from Genesis to support their hypotheses.Then, in a post Darwin world, we had a new and novel way to see things and a good way to explain all these different fossils in different layers.
Religion, despite all this evidence, stubbornly clings to a Genesis account or a more"Slicked" up one that they call Intelligent Design (which , even the IDers admit is just a pen name for Creationism without requiring that we mention who is the creator). Yeh, and you say that science is trying to foist a fraud
The old chestnut about "micro" v "macro" evolution is getting tiresome. Its been carefully and concisely defined by Mayr.
micro evolution is evolution AT or below the species level and macroevolution is th evolution of higher taxa. Whats so difficult or special? Rensch and Simpson's arguments asked that if macroevolution is just display of the evolutionary end members, then why isnt the fossil record full of evidence of gradualness. Darwins own argument was that the fossil record is just full of evidence of a haphazard record of preservation and is incomplete. Today, we sit almost 150 years after "Origins..." and we are beginning to see some closure on these gaps. Many new fossil beds have been serached and new finds are happening almost weekly and its happening so fast that "The treatise on vert paleontology" is almost 10 years behind.
The discussion of peripatric speciation recognizes that new species and higher taxa dont "split" off the line, they most often "bud" and peripatric speciation occurs so that the new line develops quickly due to a beneficial adaptive trait , whereas the original line just putts along and more often the fossils of the old and new line occur for a while in the strat record. The advantage is conferred onto an INDIVIDUAL which then provides the beneficial trait to a new population. Gradualism has been recognized in highre related taxa, and , as time goes on and molecular biology plays the lead role in evolution synthesis, Darwins position gets reinforced even more.