The earth did not sprout life everywhere at once...
But it sprouted it and spread it meticulously, It went maybe from Australia to South America and also around China to Alaska...
You can't know that,
but anyway what's your point?
rosborne979 wrote:farmerman wrote:A note to Rosborne-Do you now agree that this will no doubt go to the USSC? See how carefully the wording was made so as not to include Creation language and how it apperas to appeal to scientific "data"?.
In past cases, the court has recognized the underlying intent of the legislation and asked if it "furthered the states ends" to create such a law. Since the states already have the right to teach any valid science they want, the law adds nothing.
If it gets to the Supreme Court, I think they will find that what they are being asked to do is to validate science, because that's what is at the core of this. It isn't even about ID or Evolution, it's about what constitutes valid science. And I think the Supremes and any court before them is going to throw it out on that basis.
But what do I know.
It is more than that also the definition of life and powers beyond comprehension. :
Eorl wrote:RexRed
You can't know that,
but anyway what's your point?
So I will nail you 2 with my point and you 2 will be silent.. like shakespeare..
RexRed wrote:Eorl wrote:RexRed
You can't know that,
but anyway what's your point?
So I will nail you 2 with my point and you 2 will be silent.. like shakespeare..

What are you talking about? Frankly, this sounds somewhat like psychosis.
That's actually occurred to me too Brandon
Pennsylvania legislators should be asking whether there is any academic value for including intelligent design theory in high school science. Most science educators do not feel that the theory even qualifies as science. Dover high school biology teachers refused to read the school board's "intelligent design statement" on the basis that it would be unethical to give students the impression that intelligent design is an accepted scientific theory.
The Pennsylvania house representatives who introduced the bill to include the teaching of intelligent design (HB 1007) also introduced 5 other bills on the same day (HB 1008 through HB 1012). All 6 proposed bills deal with public schools. 3 out of the 6 bills deal with religion in public schools! HB 1009 proposes repealing religious garb prohibitions in public schools. HB 1012 proposes an act to provide for the display of "In God We Trust" in classrooms and other areas in public school buildings.
HB 1007 through HB 1012 were all referred to the house education committee on March 16, 2005. Will the legislators be able to claim there is no religious intent for their promotion of intelligent design theory?
To me, it looks like they carelessly left religious "fingerprints" on the work they did that day!
You're wrong. He didnt directly attack the Church. And by Church (being capitalized) I assume you mean Catholic Church which embraces evolution. ;-) So obviously it's not a direct attack. Also others have found ways to incorporate the two together like Rex.
El-Diablo wrote:
You're wrong. He didnt directly attack the Church. And by Church (being capitalized) I assume you mean Catholic Church which embraces evolution. ;-) So obviously it's not a direct attack. Also others have found ways to incorporate the two together like Rex.
I have believed in evolution AND creation for over 20 years...
I have no problem with incorporating the two or even not believing in evolution. But don't make Darwin (and evolution) out to be the Devil's incarnate and the enemy of the church and an evil man and a nazi and a commie and w/e weird **** I've seen thrown at him
Black holes are a peculiar thing... I don't know if I should believe in something I cannot see...
RexRed wrote:Black holes are a peculiar thing... I don't know if I should believe in something I cannot see...

You can if there are logical reasons to support the idea of its existence.
I don't believe in black holes.
From what I've read and what I've been told they do seem likely to exist though.
Why don't you believe in them then?
I think they probably exist...not the same as belief.