real lifeQuote:I've said all along that both creation and evolution rely largely on circumstantial evidence and the inferences drawn from it.
I find that a rather amusing statement since youve neither shown noer pointed to any such evidence that "suggests" a creation model. All youve been doing is trying, as best as you can, to shoot down multi sourced data and evidence that supplis some of the basic tenets of an evolutionary model.
Youve concentrated on trying to prove that the earth is too young(my interpretation of your words) for evolution to have taken place
Youve attempted tosuggest that retrograde rotation of some of the planets of the solar system are proof that the solar system didnt enucleate as scientists have modeled
Youve tried to suggest that close morphological associations among stratigraphically superior fossils doesnt evidence derivation from an ancestor
Youve attempted to have us believe that microevolution exists but macroevolution does not
Youve presented some "evidence" on a worldwide flood from polystrate fossils (a Creationist term,). Youve argued that evidence for a worldwide flood actually exists.
Youve questioned the close association in primate and hominid DNA as being coincidental and not successional. Youve articulated that since many proteins in the interons are themselves 30 to 35000 bases long this difference is significant to a bifurcated genome set that differs by up to 7 Billion base pairs.
Youve used some other "arguments" that rely on us accepting the initial premise and then jumping to a "poofistic" conclusion.
Id say that , freom my seat, I havent seen anything that approximates evidence but mostly a presentation of half correct pieces of data that are filled in with Creationist preselection.
Science has never done that (oh sure there have been frauds but all of which were quickly caught and exposed before much work was followed on) Science has often gone in one direction, then another depending where the data takes us. Look at the hypotheses of hominid lines going on now, or the development of birds from dinosaurs, or dinosaurs freom birds , or both birds and dinosaurs from a common ancestot to both.
Look at the revision of geology from a geosynclinal model to a coninental drift model (all within the last 30 years)
Look at how molecular biology has replaced paleontology as the principal source of taxa dispersion.
Each time science totally revises its bag of tricks, it pretty much tosses out what's been dogma before. Creationism was tossed out early in the 20th Century just because the data fit a Darwinian model much better, and the fact that we have niches all over the world that are populated with species found nowhere else is a glaring slap in the face of Creationist thought. the Creationists quietly try to shove that data under a table and only deal with some arcane data that they hope 90% of their "believers" will buy without question because they wont take time to learn the science.
If the Dover case goes the way I expect (ever since theyve found that the original editions of "OF PANDAS AND PEOPLE" had the word Creation used instead of Intelligent Design within the text) I believe that other states will follow and even the SUpreme Court by a starre decisis precedent respect , will have to take into account the previous 2 USSC descisions and strike down the ID claims.
After that, I dont believe we will be compelled to pay you any more mind than we would a "Powow Doctor" or ractitiner of Wickke.