rosborne979 wrote:Anonymouse wrote:Disprove the theory? I was under the impression it was not a scientific law, and nothing more than a conjecture.
Your impression is incorrect. The general concept of biological evolution is recognized by science with the same level of confidence shared by every other scientific theory.
But I think you're just being stubborn and intentionally obtuse when you pretend to argue the semantics of what is and isn't a "fact". I think that in your heart and gut, you know that evolution is indeed how nature produced the biosphere around us. So just out of curiosity, could you tell me honestly; if your life depended on it... if you would be killed instantly if your answer were wrong, would you say that biological evolution has, or has not occurred on this planet?
The appeal to common practice and authority is a fallacy. That most scientists recognize the "general concept" does not indicate anything other than most scientists recognizing the general concept. People recognize many things that aren't proven. You
believe evolution occured, you do not know that. A million people can believe in UFOs. It doesn't prove anything. Evolution has never been proven. It has been asserted, but never been reproducible or verifiable. Scientists have to constantly alter it to hold fast to an immutable theory i.e. from Darwin's gradualism to Gould's punctuated equilibria. With that said, evolution is a theory, ergo a belief. This has been verified constantly in this thread and by evolutionists themselves who state they
believe in evolution. I have no problem of what you choose or do not choose to believe. I have a problem when it it wears the mask of fact when it isn't.
Not only do you arrogantly claim that evolution is "fact", but you then go on to claim to actually know what I am thinking. I always knew behind every evolutionist there lay an immense imagination and psychic gifts. Unfortunately, in the latter case, it is wasted, like water poured on sands. If I state I do not believe in biological evolution, then that means I do not believe in biological evolution, and as far as I am concerned, no such thing has ever occured, been observed, or verified. But to witness how evolutionsts resort to frustrated name calling when they get a crack in their edifice of thought shows the fragility of the prisons we choose to live in. Indeed, if even a famous scientist such as Richard Dawkins must resort to the oft repeated quote,
"It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid, or insane", then we can safely say that evolutionists are just as bad as creationists when they resort to name calling over a belief system.