Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 02:14 am
Thank you Annoymouse for your input. It does seem C.I. takes this very personally too bad Sad . Yes evolution is a religion just as atheism is. Perhaps C.I. should check out Frisbeeism...when you die your soul ends up on the roof Laughing (Sorry tihs was off topic Embarrassed )
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 02:42 am

Do you think equal time should be give to biology and physics at church on sundays?

We are not talking about two "theories" of equal merrit here. One is faith based, one is reason based.

Teach children your faith in your church and your home (if you must), teach science in science class, math in math class, art in art class.

You just don't see biologists walking into church saying "YOU CAN"T PROVE THIS STUFF ! "

Perhaps we should? Wink

Religion has ABSOLUTLEY no place in a science classroom.

Imagine a chemistry teacher saying..."we add hydrogen and oxygen to produce water...or wine, depending on who you are and whether gods decide to intervene on this occasion"

I can see only one way in : let science apply strict scientific method to the religion in question and if it is accepted by the scientific community, then it should be taught as truth. Until then, get out of the classroom and don't come back!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 02:51 am
Atheism is not a religion.
Evolution is not a religion.

The only reason you say they are, is so you can pretend to be comparing apples with apples.

It's like you saying, "My kite is clearly a much better kite than your kite, see how much better it flies, and it's clearly prettier" while you are pointing at my toy truck !
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 03:04 am
From what I can see, Hank Hanegraaff isn't saying anything that hasn't been said (and dismissed as crap) before, most of which is on this very thread.

Your inability to understand how evolution could produce a human eye does not make the theory wrong any more than my failure to grasp general relativity makes Einstein an idiot.

Nor does your lack of understanding prove a god exists.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 03:07 am
Sorry 'bout the back to back raves, must have caught something from that Bilirubin guy. Rolling Eyes
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Grand Duke
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 04:45 am
Jackofalltrades wrote:
The way I feel is that BOTH Creationism and evolution should be taught together side by side.

Evolution should be taught in a science class as a scientific theory explaining the origin and diversity of species. Creation should be taught in Religious Education classes as the Christians' explanation of the origin of mankind. And never the twain should meet.

Freedom of speech seems to favor evolution as the U.S. Circus court of appeals says take God and anything to do with God out of the schools. Give me a break! Freedom of speech...Freedom of religion.

Good for them. Religion belongs in a church, synagogue, mosque, temple.

If you are going to teach one you have to teach the other AS THEORY. Make the students think. Make them use their brains. Don't brainwash them. Give them options to examine and see where it leads.

What is the point? Very few children raised in a strong Christian household are going to reject Creationism, and very few children raised in an atheist/agnostic household are going to reject Evolution. It doesn't boil down to two seperate, competing theories - which are different interpretations of the same facts, it boils down to whether you believe the Bible book of Genesis is correct. A few pages in a 2000 year-old book.

How about the true scientist who just happens to believe in Jesus and who developed the MRI (which has nothing to do with creation or evolution) and yet was denied a nobel prize most likely because of his creationist views.

He/she was persecuted for their views, and I agree that this was wrong. Live and let live...
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Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 05:06 am
There is no more reason to believe in evolution, than there is to believe in God or Alien astronauts. But since existence is all about belief, one is as good as the other.

If a murder is commited and everyone assembled says that
"the Butler did it"-Thats a belief system based upon a mythology of drama.

On the other hand, a forensic team, with no preconceived suspects comes in and collets evidence to try to
1establish that first, a murder was really commited
2 try to find a suspect or suspects that that fit the evidence and have motive and opportunity

The development of evolution is nothing more, norless, than that.

Mouse-the interesting statements youve made take this into the reqlm of the philosophical, but an interesting thing about Creationism is that it wishes to have it both ways.

A. It claims to have its science together (a fallacy of the use of the scientificmethod on their behalf,because they adapt a causative factor , and then try to fit their evidence against it. Thats why the Creationist view of the Grand CAnyon isnt a scientifically defensible story because it omits great masses of data that dont fit the model of a "young earth"

B. Then when its science is always taken under scrutiny because of item A, It then tries to impune standard science by saying "Well it too is a religion" In that , youre argument is not novel its rather been beaten over our heads numerous times.

It appears that the role of the Creationists is to try to deflect criticism from their own"beleif" system and try more to focus on the "controversies of mechanisms " that good science ias always engaged in. By concentrating upon these mechanisms, they merely wish to make it appear that there are substantive foundation disagreements on the entire theory, and thats just flat wrong.------------

Jack-of, I wondered why your comments about the grand Canyon sounded so familiar, they come out of the "Creationists handbook " that is being sold at the National Park Gift Shops. Its really sad that, this handbook isnt sold in a separate "New Age" or"Myth" section of the bookshop. Because there is absolutely no evidence that fits a "young earth model" , no matter how hard you wish to believe this.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 05:22 am
Evolution should be taught in a science class as a scientific theory explaining the origin and diversity of species. Creation should be taught in Religious Education classes as the Christians' explanation of the origin of mankind. And never the twain should meet.

Grand Duke, thats what the impending case in Dover Pa is going to be all about except , that in this time, it will have to derive its science from the Post 1987 rise of Intelligent Design. Its gonna be a hard row for the ID boys to run because they have to skirt the prescedent established in the 1960and 1987 decisions. I feel that, the more that forums like this, are able to provide sweet reason in placeof "religious zeal" , then the cause of science will prevail. However, should some "false credibility" be infused into these types of discusssions then, potential readers will surmise that there appears to "really " be a controversy in this matter. Ive seen from Eugenie Scotts data that , the ID/(and obviously the Creationist believers) are spending a big amount of bucks on web sites right about now, and sites like Talkorigins are basically just on autopilot . Im concerned and am NOT 100% certain that sweet reason will prevail.
It took over 8 years for the Edwards v Aguillard decision to be brought and adjuticated from a 1978 law in Louisiana that required teaching of Creationism. If this one follows timetables at the present "Age of Nascent Evangelism", Im concerned that the makeup of the new Supreme court will be clones of Scalia and Thomas.
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Grand Duke
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 06:22 am
Thanks for the info, farmerman. One thing I was wondering, how do schools/colleges handle the teaching of Creationism in classes of mixed religion - with Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddists etc alongside Christians (and atheists/agnostics)? Do they have to teach each religions' version of Creation, or just the Christian one? And if so, how do Jews, Muslims etc. react to having Christian doctrine forced on their children? (Although the Jewish version is the same or similar to the Christian one?)

And why are the Christians the only ones here and now in this topic defending Creationism? Where are the Jewish and Muslim members that I know A2K has? I'd be interested to hear some religious input from a non-Christian.
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Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 06:34 am
Re: evolution **caution: long post ahead**
Starchild14 wrote:

Imagine you've got some gazelles living in a savannah, and they're just chillin', no predators, they're all fat, slow, and dumb, just hangin' out eatin' some grass. Cool. Then a lionness moves into that area. Now, there's fast gazelles and there's slow gazelles, and it ain't good to be a slow gazelle. Now, how fast you run can be affected by a lot of things: how much practice or training you've had, how strong your muscles are, etc. But some of those things, like how good your reflexes are, how quickly you can change direction while running, etc., are things you were just born with, not things you got from practice. Well, the gazelles that were born with the kinds of genes that give them useful skills like fast reflexes, ability to change direction quickly, and general coordination (ie, the non-klutzy gazelles) are the ones that are going to do well in this situation. They'll get away. Now, our friends the slow, bad-reflexes, no coordination (four left hooves you might say), klutzy gazelles are going to run in the wrong direction, and be all slow, and trip over their own four left hooves, and they are going to provide food for the lion. Crying or Very sad Unfortunately, such is life. Now, all the gazelles left alive are going to go on with their lives, and HAVE BABY GAZELLES. <-- that's important. So the genes that helped them run away from the lion, as well as all their other genes, will be passed on to their kids. So imagine this keeps up for a while. Lion eats the slowest ones, fastest ones have babies. If you come back every year, you're going to notice that what started out as a group of fat, lazy, slow, dumb gazelles, is going to turn into a stragetic, lean, limber, fast, coordinated bunch of LION-EVADING MACHINES, baby! Cool No single gazelle changed. But the group is different than it was a few generations ago. AND THAT'S EVOLUTION. Evolution is when a group of living things becomes different than their parents, grandparents, great-great-great-grandparents, whatever. Lady peacocks (called peahens, if you wanna get all fancy) like brightly-colored gentlemen. The brightly-colored peacocks get all the girls, and the dull-looking peacocks get left all lonely. So when that year's crop of baby peacocks shows up, guess who the daddies are? If the dads are brightly-colored, so are the babies. And then when they grow up, those girls pick the brightest-colored boys. So over time, the peacocks get brighter and brighter.

nice work ('cos i've heard alot of attempts and tortoured rants on evolution attempting to explain it "properly" - yours was actually fun to read).
but may i parallel that top paragraph with something simpler.

bicycle (chain-driven) is just driving around... ya-di-ya.
then along comes a V6 turbo-charged car. no chance, the bicycle will die 'cos of the next to nothing competiton as far as speed is concerned.
but then you think, we see motorbikes around the world abit... so maybe (**lightbulb!)

just maybe the bicycle's chain just needed to go faster a bit... and just so happen one day on the footpath near a junkyard/recycling place, the bicycle drives over a half-sized motor, 2 stroke, maybe off one of those V6 cars... it drives over it... and suddenly it is going faster than it used to! so then it keeps doing it, driving over bits of junk until it matches that of a motorbike!

and thus the motorbike was born.

(oh, cellular life is about 100,000,000X more complicated/fragile than cars/motorbikes, so if it is impossible for motorbikes/cars then.... but maybe... just maybe...)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 06:45 am
rosborne979 wrote:
Biliskner wrote:
rosborne979 wrote:

Why? How do you know any of this is true? You never met Jesus, and you didn't meet the people who wrote the original bible. How do you know any of what you believe is true?

??? read the book?

how do i know your grandfather is real? i've never met your grandfather, and i didn't meet the people who wrote the original biography(ies) (oh no he has NO biographies? damn, that's gotta be a worse off case for you to prove him real.) how do i know any of it is true? you could've been a cabbage patch baby delivered by pelicans for all i care.

good argument.

Nice try Bill, but comparing "reading a book" to knowing someone has a grandfather just doesn't cut it. Are you really saying that you know the truth of a book as well as you know that someone has a grandfather? You seem smarter than that.

Why not? Just because one seems "easier" to infer than the other doesn't mean the argument is invalid.

I used that analogy 'cos it is just that, an analogy. I cannot give authority to Scripture, that would imply i was "higher" (in whatever sense) than Bible. Authority needs to/can only be recognized. I wasn't a Christian for 19 years because I held the same view as you: "religion is just for ppl to give them hope, of an afterlife, for those whom they love - just the knowledge of that, albeit perhaps a fake "truth", might give them peace and comfort, just while they grieve for their lost one - but evolution is my "Origins", so stuff religion." Sound familiar? I said that to a Christian friend 3 months before I was a Christian. Then I read the Bible. Big mistake?... some might say... but I disagree. You want to know the Authority of Scripture? Read it for yourself, since it's free... for now. God gave you a brain to think and make choices for yourself. You choose not to read it? Fine. Here's 20c... your life, your choice(s)... I guess.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 06:47 am
parados wrote:
Bili wrote:
those guys that made the pyramids took it as compensation for building the pyramids.

So much for your requirement of "empirical science."

Evolutionary documentry. Quote, UNquote. Not my science.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 06:48 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
If they can't verify, it's not a theory.

bye bye 'natural selection'
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 06:50 am
parados wrote:

By your argument, then phsyics is religion, driving a car is religion, the simple act of breathing becomes religion.

Physics, car, breathing = Falsifiable.

Evolution = UNfalsifiable.

Read Karl Popper.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 06:51 am
Anonymouse wrote:
rosborne979 wrote:

But evolution itself is a system of belief - that we evolved. It is asserted and believed. It is not proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, therefore remains a guess, and evolution if it is to be maintained requires faith in that guess. It is a system of thought and belief.

I second that.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 06:55 am
Anonymouse wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
I don't need to validate evolution; all those scientists working confirm it over and over and over...ad nauseum. All you do is make claims that cannot be supported by facts; only your personal suppositions and interpretations that refutes science. You leave nothing to discuss.

We can discuss if you want. It is interesting that you claim I do not leave anything to discuss when in fact I have been very open to discssion and it was you several times that resorted to getting personal for what, I do not know. It is a fallacy to claim that because many scientists say evolution is true, therefore it makes it true. Only human arrogance, and arrogant people claim to know all the answers to everything. This usually springs from an insecure attitude of not knowing the whole truth which threatens ones grip on reality. Thus by creating dogmas it forms a prism that allows them to breath safely within those confines.

If someone said "I don't believe in the laws of physics" i would have genuine sympathy for them and show them a plethora of experiments demonstrating the laws of motion etc.

If someone said "I don't believe in the laws of evolution" they get insulted, dogged, banged up who knows where and called a Christian Creationist moron (without firstly finding out whether they *are* a Christian and what kind of social network they have.)
But then I guess they sit with those scientists we know as Hobbs, Boyle, Descarte, Newton, Leibniz, Bacon, Faraday, Maxwell, Kepler, Pascal etc. and most likely pray.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 06:55 am
SCoates wrote:
How can you say there is no such thing as evolution? I've experienced it myself hundreds of times.

For the most basic evolutions, you just need to get your starter Pokemon to level 16 (usually).

If any of you are having trouble getting a particular Pokemon to evolve, I would refer you to this excellent site by RAMS.


0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 06:57 am
Jackofalltrades wrote:
El-Diablo wrote:
Then a couple chickens are born with, say smaller bodies, that require less nourishment. These chickens are more adapt to survive and soon they become the chicken norm. Then a mutation for needing more water develops but he doesnt survive long. Evolution doesnt involve him in this environment. But then another mutation arise and antoher. Soon these drought chickens are way different from normal chicken; smaller size, beaks, needing less water, more camoflaged, maybe even better flight. These chickens cant even BREED with the old chickens and produce fertile offspring they are so different. And so a new species is born.
Show me examples of where this has happened with ANY animal that has been observed by science(and not tampered with by science). Is it still a chicken? Where did you get this information? I'm very curious?

a light to your path Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 06:59 am
Grand Duke wrote:
Thanks for the info, farmerman. One thing I was wondering, how do schools/colleges handle the teaching of Creationism in classes of mixed religion - with Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddists etc alongside Christians (and atheists/agnostics)? Do they have to teach each religions' version of Creation, or just the Christian one? And if so, how do Jews, Muslims etc. react to having Christian doctrine forced on their children? (Although the Jewish version is the same or similar to the Christian one?)

And why are the Christians the only ones here and now in this topic defending Creationism? Where are the Jewish and Muslim members that I know A2K has? I'd be interested to hear some religious input from a non-Christian.

Jewish have the Torah which Christians have so....

Muslim have "an uncorrupted bible" so I'm actually with you (ignoring your choice/s of offensive adjectives) on this one... wanna hear some stuff from a muslim.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2005 07:07 am
Re: I'm back
Jackofalltrades wrote:
I'M BACK!!! Very Happy Seems I missed lots of good stuff. Thanks Biliskner for taking over. You seem to have a good handle on alot of the scientific stuff. I have to do research because I am not familiar with a lot of the new scientific theories because they seem to have to make up a new one when the one they are using doesn't quite work the way they want it to.

cheers man. this forum is providing valuable experience and giving me my 1Peter training. you have no idea how much harder it is when you're IN tutes with 25 other odd "naturalists" who will take a stab at anything you (a Christian) would say, esp. so in subjects like, "Science,Reason and Reality", "Cybersociety" (gotta be my favourite subject), and "God and the Natural Sciences". ahhh love it. Very Happy

PM me if you need help with ... err... "alternative" scientific interpretations (lmao "scientific interpretations" i bet the 19th C scientists never thought they'ed hear that one.) :wink:
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