Quote:you say the strata shows you millions of years and that the earth is old. what assumptions are you basing your worldview on?
astonomy works such that paradigms attempt to predict solar system formation and extrapolate (even infer) the age of the universe.
I actually said that the Isua formation is at least 3.8 Billion years. You seem to selectively choose what parts of any science you wish to believe. Thats ok. My point is that stratigraphy on the planet earth can be simultaneously dated by a number of means
1Direct superposition (oldest stuff lies on the bottom)
2Original horizontality(layers of strat sequences were always laid out horizontally. Even dunes show that , while cross bedding may be off horizontal, the entire dune field was horizontal
3Radionuclide decay (there are many tens of methods using isotopes and ratios of isotopes available that can show us , by both decay and stable isotopes what geologic time were looking at)
4paleomagnetics-we can follow relict magnetism through time
5 tectonics-we can map the breakup and compression of continents and their margins
6 continental drift-the continents "float" on mantle convection cells. All can be seen to move at unique rates as a function of their placement on a triple point (think spherical geometry)
7isostacy-gravity anomalies through time are preserved in certain basins that can be then mapped and used to augment the stratigraphic makeup
8fossils-no we dont date the sediments by the fossils and then date the fossils by the sediments. Thats an ol;d Creationist
"if it aint true it oughta be" view. Evolutionary changes and placement of index fossils only key in toa strat unit when weve gotten all other means of dating to coalesce (which, not surprisingly, they do)
Theres a bunch more techniques in which the Creation sedimentologists (Ive even dignified them as scientists at all) try to make up some line of bullshit like
"The grand canyon was really carved in a short duration of highly turbulent water" YET , even if this were true, They fail to discuss the length of time it took to lay down all the units of the Grand Canyon , from the Kaibab down to the Vishnu.
You can blow smoke up my ass about your planetary sequence and you may score some debate points because I admit that Im not versed in the system you mentioned. BUT thats a mere diversion. If we have good solid evidence that the earth is so old from coalescing routes ofsolid evidence, Im not sure what your astrophysical discussion gets us other than some convenient place for you to divert attention. You wont believe our terrestrial physics but youll jump out in space to measure age synthetically .
I will, I pledge, follow up on this and read till Im more knowledgeable but, Im already familiar with the direct techniques by which we date the petrology and impact structures on the Moon and these data support an old age for the moon also.