cute you are. nice animals cats are.
Ahh, but on A2K many there are who say that Satan's spawn are cats, hmmmn.
Nothing about cats Dys know.
Only speak with parrots he can.
Parrots can be devious. Beware must you.
the peg leg you watch out for, as well an eye patch.
Pirates approaching, fear must we.
Our doubloons hide we must
Fair maidens & jewels, seek they!
Fair maiden am I and large jewellery collection have I! Take great care I must.
Long time away i have been... Into the darkness of page two slipped this thread has...
Back to the light of page 1 hopefully bring it i will...
A newbie we must all be pleased to see. We old 'uns of each other tired get.
A light of pretty avatars and Yoda-talking, it is.
Old 'uns there are not, just inexperienced and experienced ones there exist.
This forum new i might be on but on the other forum over 1100 posts made i have.
Only after the similar thread as this on that forum wrecked by the 1 in 5 posts rule has been has my friend Jespah told me of this thread.
Come here seeking the refuge and fun i have.
Sanctuary, you shall receive. Actually, a member of ours, her ID is that.
A Trek topic, I should start one. Tomorrow, perhaps.
Hopefully that topic not unattended will be... Wonder how many trek fans on this thread there are i do...
Of The Next Generation, a fan, I am. A birthday present of the first two seasons was given me (on DVD they were), and much have I been watching them. Although annoying much were they until Wesley dragged off to Star Fleet Academy his sorry ass.
Hmm... A bad boy Wesley has been i heard... Teamed up with four other students he has... Wercked five shuttles on their examination flight they have...
Fun, this is! perhaps not, a good idea this was, yesssssssssssss. Wanted to do this I always have.
Done well, still you have. Perfect your yoda talk is

Proud of you Yoda would be.

Too kind are you. Talk like Yoda, in this thread we will. Talk about many things, we shall. Funny to read, this thread is.