Mon 23 Jul, 2018 10:21 am
Does "
it" refer radical leftist cause? Or communism?
Quote:Anyone with any sense of reality, anyone who was willing to judge the effectiveness of policy in terms of the outcome produced, would have long since abandoned the radical leftist cause. Communism counts among the greatest policy failures in human history.
What human mind would think that we should resurrect it? The answer is clear: a mind that has been deformed by the American educational establishment. Having long since abandoned the goal of teaching anyone anything, American educators have turned their classrooms into indoctrination mills. They no longer teach anyone how to think. They tell students what they must and must not believe. As for judging policy in terms of past successes and failures, it is forbidden. Rational and empirical thought is banned. You are required to believe the right beliefs, adhere to the correct dogmas.
The text in question comes from here:
Quote:The rhetoric of revolution is not new. During the Vietnam War the counterculture marched in favor of revolution, especially, of Communist Revolution. They saw that America's soldiers could not beat a bunch of pajama clad guerrillas in the jungles of Vietnam and concluded that fighting for a lofty ideal made you more powerful than a modern military organization.
They did not consider the chance that America's war machine was being constrained by inept politicians and by the best and the brightest intellectuals... to the point where it could not really fight.
In the decades that have passed, the bloom came off the leftist revolutionary cause. The great Communist dictatorships in the Soviet Union and China collapsed. With them the hope for installing a Worker's Paradise. But, then again, hope gleams eternal, especially to those who think that "the audacity of hope" is grammatically correct.
Anyone with any sense of reality, anyone who was willing to judge the effectiveness of policy in terms of the outcome produced, would have long since abandoned the radical leftist cause. Communism counts among the greatest policy failures in human history.
What human mind would think that we should resurrect it? The answer is clear: a mind that has been deformed by the American educational establishment.
I would consider "it" as referring to "communism".
There is no objective way to determine whether it refers to the first or the second.
China and Vietnam are not doing too bad at all. If the USA hadn't been terrorizing Korea, Venezuela, Cuba ... for all these years then the world likely would have many more successful examples. There are communist kibbutz in Israel.