Steve, Just don't forget I said "majority."
From the US Census Bureau: "The age and origin of the predicted immigrants would create a significant shift in the racial and ethnic makeup of the US. Whites in the US currently account for 72% of the population; by 2050 this could decline to 53%. Hispanics would likely overtake African-Americans as the largest minority group in the country, with African-Americans representing 15% of the population in 2050, and Hispanics almost 25%."
Not to forget that French is the third most spoken language in the USA
They dont call it French anymore walter
Its called Freedom Talk.
No, its "cheese-eating surrender monkey chatter".
Back in the early days of our nation, German was the most common language.
Walter Hinteler wrote:Not to forget that French is the third most spoken language in the USA

Fourth. Chinese is third.
Walter Hinteler wrote:Not to forget that French is the third most spoken language in the USA

I find this interesting. Particularly given the large numbers of Asians in our population. Is there a web site that contains this info?
... or a chart.
Thank you McG.
That's true. There were even several regiments in the Union Army during the civil war that spoke only German.
Hard now to find anyone here who admits to speaking French!
However the largest single ethnic group in this country is Irish.
As a matter of fact, there are more Irish in America than in Ireland.
Amazing: either the three (four) of you are correct or that latest report.
And what language do they speak?
Okay, in 2003.
But since we are a bit later now ...
Spanglish eh?
Not Ingerfrog then?
Or Deutchirelander?
Steve is being a typical Anglo Saxon jerk.

Now I understand what drove my grandparents out of Ireland!