Most people wouldn't bring a pigeon to a gathering. I'm guilty. It was actually a reference to pictures I brought along to acquaint my cohorts to methods in hawk banding. The pigeon is the lure to entice the hawks into the net.
Okay, so let's hear some more details! Who said what about whom? What did you learn about each other? Did you figure out who Gus is? Who paid?
Oh, I learned that Jespah got a job!
Reege and Jes found out I don't work for the CIA.
You all look like you're having a really great time. Thanks for posting the pictures.
today i learned i shouldn't guzzle down 3 brewskis on a work night...
Oh you guys! That is a great group and meeting in the evening is most fun since the brewskies are more prevalent.
You know what? Bobsmythhawk is a hottie. That smile could melt any heart. I love having met you before so I can 'hear' your voices and remember your individual nuances. Nuances, there's a word with various meanings. In Boston, they are all good.
Glad you all had a good time. Hope we can get back next fall.
George, the hat is you, baby, really you.
Looks like it was fun, guys. Thanks for sharing the pics, Dag.
Pictures are great, but we want more stories!
Diane wrote:...George, the hat is you, baby, really you.
Bottom of the ninth.
Two outs, one on.
One run down.
First time I did that at Fenway with my kids, I thought they were going to die.
ooh, look at that nice white PT cruiser. So it was you who we were stalking, thankgod. we almost thought we were harassing some innocent lady or a gentleman.
You're saying George isn't inncocent?
Who knew?
George... innoc...muahahahahaha.
Hey! Careful there, young lady!
Sweet George, haven't you learned yet that women are the bawdiest, raunchiest of the sexes? Shameless Hussies all, in the best possible way!
littlek wrote:We toasted our last toast to you, cinn.
Was it memorable? Am I a celebrity?