oristarA wrote:Does "Step away from the crack pipe. With 333 million people (ball park) there's enough sane ones to counter your sledge" mean "Step away from the drug that makes you high.
Sort of, but there is more meaning intended than just that. A phrase like "you're on drugs" can mean "your idea is crazy". The idea is that people who are on drugs can be delusional.
He is trying to say that fears of civil war are completely and utterly unfounded.
oristarA wrote:With 333 million people (ball park) there's enough sane ones to counter your insult"?
To tell you the truth, I don't know what "sledge" means. It is probably Australian slang. If I recall correctly, the person who wrote that is from Australia.
I think the intent of the sentence is to say that there are enough sane people in the country to prevent the crazy people who want to start a civil war from succeeding in their efforts to start the war.
So "sledge" probably refers to the crazy people who want to start a civil war. I suspect it is a somewhat derogatory term, although probably not as harsh as a swear word.