Re: Hard Interview Questions
Linkat wrote: want to see you the AK2 unbiased opinion on this.
First question - Why do you want to leave? I was going to answer - I am looking for a company that reflects similar values and cultures as my own. At this point in time, I want to work for a company where I plan to retire from. (Should I explain those values and cultures?) If so, I plan on saying
some of these values are mutual respect, honesty, integrity and teamwork.
Honestly, being a manager for 7 years, this answer sounds like a scorned vengeful employee..
Lemme explain.
When you are asked why you want to leave and you answer a textbook " values , cultures etc... " then follow up with MUTUAL resepect, HONESTY..and other things that are specific aspects of a SINGLE person, most people can see right through that. Mututal respect isnt an attribute of a COMPANY.. it is a quality of a single person.
When asked why you want to leave say something along the lines of " Thier retirement plan is changing and it is going to harm me in the long run" Something that is about the COMPANY , not a person. Yeah, that answer is a lie, but they can not check that. Honestly, when they call to check your referrances, they can only ask 2 things. Did you work there? Are you still working there? Anything beyond that is illegal. Some employers will go beyond that.. >sigh< that cant be controled. But the basics are simple. They can not ask about your work ethics, your attendance etc. I do believe they can ask if you would be re-hired also. I think that is allowed.
What people are looking for in an interview is someone who makes THEM feel good. Youre referrances help, your experience helps, but if you dont leave the interviewer confident in thier job, thier ability to pick you , and your personality, no matter HOW long you have been doing something or how WELL you do it, they wont hire you.
It is a mind game unfortunatly.
Ask THEM questions about THEM. How long have they worked for the company? Follow up with statements like " WOW. that is a long time. Needless to say you are happy here. That is great to hear. You sound like a great person to work under/with/around etc."