Mon 21 Feb, 2005 08:10 pm
Hello all. I would very much appreciate help in translating the following 5 mottos into Latin. These are for a signet ring for Pastors and priests. Thank you so much. I deeply appreciuate any help. Pastor Peter Bertolero
"In the world, but not of the world."
"Knights of the Green Cross"
"Pastor of the flock of God."
"Minister of the word of God."
"Defender of the faith, protector of the church."
"In the world, but not of the world."
In mundo, sed non de mundo.
"Knights of the Green Cross"
Equites crucis viridis.
"Pastor of the flock of God."
Pastor gregis Dei.
"Minister of the word of God."
Minister verbi Dei.
"Defender of the faith, protector of the church."
Fidei defensor, ecclesiae protector.
Pastor and minister are taken directly from Latin.
Pastor is literally "shepherd" and minister is literally "servant".
How apt!
To George
Dear George. Pastor Pete Bertolero here. I asked for a translation of 5 English mottos into Latin and you were kind enough to do this for me for which I am deeply thankful. I appreciate it very much. What a service you have done for me. I will not quickly forget it. God bless you and yours. Cheers, Pastor Pete