Mon 21 Feb, 2005 07:31 pm
Hello. I'm new to the list, so bear with me here. I did a search on Yahoo for English to Latin translation and go this site. So I joined. I may only need one answer right now, but hey, you never know. I'm always looking to broaden my horizons. Anyway, my question is this: Can anyone translate the following phrase into Latin: Let the Seller beware.
I am writing an article for a trade paper with regards to credit card fraud and I want this to be the title. Appreciate any help. Thanks. Vicky (By the way, Dynamic Scales is my company name - but my name is Vicky. So call me Vicky, not Dynamic ok?)
English Translation
Caveat Venditor. You state that with a question mark. Are you sure or are you asking too? Caveat Emptor is Let the Buyer Beware. That is about all the Latin I know. What's the matter with everyone? Doesn't anyone know Latin anymore these days? What if you happen to meet a Roman solider or gladiator someday? We're talking major use of the language here! :wink:
I just ventured a guess. I do not know if it correct. Emptor is buyer and Venditor is seller, and they both end in "or" so I just switched em. The people fluent in Latin will probably be on here early tomorrow.
Caveat venditor is correct.