Sun 20 Feb, 2005 08:39 am
could someone please translate these hebrew words into english? : liknot mazkarot massada
Do you want to buy something about Massada?
Generally translated as "Massada will never happen again" (not 100 % accurate, I know), the reference is to the 70 c.e. uprising of the Jews against the Romans which led to the eventual destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. A small force of Jewish freedom-fighters and their families took to the hilltop known as Massada. The Romans laid seige but could not budge the Jews. When the fighting slowed and finally stopped, the Romans climbed up to Massada to find that not a single Jew was alive -- they had all committed mass suicide rather than live under Roman law. The slogan means that no Jew will ever again offer such "passive" resistance.
thanks a lot, but the difference is so big between the two replies. I know ther's an idea of buying: liknot