This is sad. Ten years, wow.
In an internet context, I can understand the need for escape. Still, I'm sorry you didn't have the chance to say goodbye.
There was a part of me that was offended by him not telling me something that I thought was a BIG issue.
Then I came back to the realization that everyone in his life knew his disease and was probally treating him as such. I was maybe the only person who still talked about everyday things with him instead of starting a conversation with " So how are you feeling?" And with out knowing that , I was giving him a wonderful escape.
He died about a month ago his partner said. He had pneumonia, bronchitius , and possibly strep throat. I know from my family's health lately that those things were going around quite quickly. He said that he wasnt in the hospital, he was at home where he always insisted he wanted to be. He had a nurse who came in regularly from hospice that was with him. At his funeral, his parents refused to attend , so sent a family friend to ' view things for them'. ( grrr!! )
His family were awful to him when he finally told them that he was gay. They refused to acknowledge him and would constantly email him things like ' dating services for MEN SEEKING WOMEN' > sigh<
thanks for the kind words. They do help.
I still just feel strange about the silence people feel they need to have about thier disease. Not meaning him in particular, but the entire world. He was just silent with me and for reasons I can understand.
But many other people are striken with this disease , and they are afraid to tell anyone other then thier doctor. Sometimes , they dont even tell a doctor.
That to me is very sad.
Shewolf, sorry to hear that! I have known quite a few people with aids and i don't think they live in fear, i think they're embarrassed at having an STD. I know that sounds stupid, but would YOU really want everyone to know that you had a disease you caught from sex?
good point wales.
no. I would not. Being a lucky person, i have never had a STD, but I can imagine the feelings behind it.