Fri 18 Feb, 2005 02:42 pm
Anyone out there come across unusually long nipples?
I saw them in a movie once..... I mean the only nipples I have ever seen are my own!!
Likes the ones of Farrah Fawcett?
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Elongation to me does not add to their allure. Besides then they tickle my tonsils.
I have seen a troup of people that hang heavy object from thier nipples. Do you think this works the same for them as Austin Powers little machine?
My nipples elongate when I am cold. Built in glass cutters!
How is 'unusually' defined?
...and just what do you mean when you say "come across"?
<falling off chair laughing>
A poor choice of words - or was it?
I will check that out immediately - thanks!
i've seen long ones on tv but never in person.
3/4 of an inch is considered a normal ' nipple length'? ...
hmm.. strange, but when I picture all the nipples I have seen, ( trust me... it has been thousands...)
3/4 of an inch seems to be the smaller end of the spectrum
I've seen it plainly exposed!
I usually have my eyes closed.
Oh yeah, Farrah Fawcett has some major nipples. I saw the photos she did for Playboy and wondered if the airbrusher guy just got carried away....
Well, apparently that's the only thing that didn't need
airbrushing boomerang