Lazy!? I'm a construction worker. I work 12 hour graveyard shifts and I'm a life long activist of freedom of the press. When I say activist I mean in the streets of downtown Los angeles in the middle of a riot activist. I hope your not judging Chavez as quickly as you've judged me. Because your totally wrong.
I'm in the street with the Journalist and the civil and human rights groups Before the headlines are written. Their there because were there. So I know how much headline politics are full of sh*t. I just wish everyone else did.
No, I don't want the two minute version. I want the one minute version but i'm not going to get it and I've already spent ten here. Back to the topic.
How many of these media incidences took place during the coup in april? Were talking idealogical Class warfare. Wide spread chaos, panic and violence in a short period of time. Who knows what the hell was going on. The headlines are not reliable in themselves.
What media outlets are owned by who?
What are there political and interest?
Do the people who own some of these meadia outlets have a economic interest in whether or not Chavez is in power and to what lengths are they willing to go in the use of these outlets?
Iv'e had to go through this more then once. Soon you may be asking me for information. Then I can call you a lazy Hungarian.
I'm already finding the usual suspects in these cases. Now it's time to see what the pro Chavez side has to say about the media. Gee, I wonder what the'll say??? (the links not working. Just search " Twisted Venezuelan anti-Chaves media cought with their pants down"
Please note dates and sources. I am posting info for collective scrutiny. Not so you can scrutinize me.