Eorl wrote:raheel
How on earth do you come to the conclusions that;
a) God is not responsible for free will ?
b) God is not responsible for nature ?
c) God can cause things ?
d) Suffering is a test ?
e) God has reasons ?
f) God punishes ?
g) gods exist ?
h) no other causes of suffereing are possible ?
ok, God is omnipotent, therefore he is all powerful. so he can do all of those things. However, there is a concept called predetermination.
for the free will, (a)
when he created humans, he gave them free will. He wanted us to choose him, and love him. Something that is always had, will be taken for granted, but something that is aquired will be cherished. We could choose him, until the down fall of man, the sin in the garden of eden. but as sinners we were separated from God, there is no way to choose God when sin is a dividing line. WE WILL
ALWAYS choose sin. That is why the Holy spirit, acts upon the lives of individuals. They then can have the comprehension, to choose God. This will come to every one,(check out Romans 1:18) it loosely says, every man will hear the gospel, and there fore no man is without excuse. That also answers the question of hell, and why God will send people there if he loves them.
the eye for the eye also originated from hammurabi's code, not biblical reference. And when ever Jesus refereed to the old testament he would say it is written, instead of you have heard.