Some daffodils blooming here now, MA.
sumac, the two main colors of hummingbirds of the Sierra's are blue and ruby, but i've also noticed some of the birds have yellow coloring. I probably should purchase a hummingbird book with identification photos.
Not finding much about Sierra hummingbirds from research.
Danon, the wheather hasn't been cold, but gosh - CA innundated with rain! The Daffodils are in bloom though, plus varieties of wildflowers, and I noticed the Spruce tree sprouting new growth.
Yep, money talks, but advocates scream louder! <grin>
Merry, weather patterns are definitely changing, and its difficult predicting from day to day. A few years ago, Spring lasted about seven days it seemed, then summer arrived, temps climbed, and for the entire summer, the weather was either very hot, or there were thunder and lightening storms. Amazing.
More amazing news from underwater - at long last all those microphones dotting the oceans are put to a good use:
"Whales sing to each other across thousands of miles of ocean and use sound to create their own mental 'A to Z' of the sea floor, scientists revealed yesterday. [........] 'There is a time delay in the water, and the response times for their communication are not the same as ours,' he said. 'Suddenly you realise that their behaviour is defined not by my scale, or any other whale researcher's scale, but by a whale's sense of scale - ocean-basin sized.' ",6903,1418550,00.html
Daffodils in February. Will wonders never cease? We start to look for 'em in April, around Easter Sunday or later.
Ah has clicked.
Whale sense of scale? Relative to ocean basin? But what other way could it be?
Will you land lubbers never have common sense?
Great link, HoyT.
"Scientists Baffled By Whales Refusal To Answer Hydrophones"
What a scene. Six feet of snow on the driveway, no phone, heat went off the third day of my exile (no oil) and the computer was totally worthless having been iritrivably infected. Did you get lots of snow, Merry Andrews or was it just the Cape?
But finally, I'm BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!! And clicking. Hello,everybody!
Hi ya pwayfarer, glad you've gotten a reprieve from winter. Today, the rains finally stopped <well so far> clowdy and cold though.
Stay warm everyone!
all clicked
Mr. Shoe reports shoesharper will be released from the hospital and returning home Tuesday!!!!
Sending many prayers for Cav and Anita also....
cavfancier? Wha?
Good to see you, Patty. Sounds as if you will get some more snow soon too. Get yourself a good anti-everything program. It is no fun and too expensive to get infected.
I just ran out of fuel too after stupidly having them take me off automatic delivery, hoping to squeeze through the rest of the season without another delivery. Stupid me.
Loved the cartoon, STradee!!!!!!!
I luv this one!
Mrs Orca Explaining Her Latest Purchase To Hubby
Darwinism - creationism - now intelligent design. In an interesting article contrasting the three, the author makes some provocative points in "Unintelligent Design":
Hi all,
Hi wayfarer, Glad yer back..... We were thinking about you recently - we are planning a trip to S France next year.
Here are some stats!!
You and your 282 friends have supported 1,757,617.0 square feet!
Marine Wetlands habitat supported: 63,251.7 square feet.
You have supported: (34,767.3)
Your 282 friends have supported: (28,484.4)
American Prairie habitat supported: 33,049.2 square feet.
You have supported: (9,316.8)
Your 282 friends have supported: (23,732.4)
Rainforest habitat supported: 1,661,316.1 square feet.
You have supported: (158,967.2)
Your 282 friends have supported: (1,502,348.9)
1 Aktbird57 .. 1017 40.343 acres
sumac, LOL
ah, the ol' science/theology theories.
They ought to begin by defining "limbonic"
Bad news, folks. I hate to be the bearer of sad tidings, but those who have not been following the Cavfancier in Hospital thread should be aware that Cavfancier passed away this afternoon. He will be missed.
From Magge ~
I received an email from Anita B's son Stuart today. The news is not good. Anita has become worse since she was transferred to the extended care facility last Friday. Stuart set up her computer but says that he doubts that she will ever be able to use it.
She can no longer get up without help and as a result is very afraid to try to get up at all. This of course, is making her condition worse. She also has her old phone number in her room but not likely to be able to answer it.
He sent a snail mail address for those who want to send notes, card, letters.
Anita Bentley
C/O 5905 112 ST NW
Merry Andrews, very sad news
Sad, sad news here on this thread this evening.
Yes, sad news indeed, sumac.
Stradee, thanks for the new anita address.