Wed 9 Feb, 2005 06:07 pm
Hi again,
what would be a Latin equivalent of "belonging to Rose", or "Rose's slave"? Thanks for your help!!!
Hi right back.
Servus Rosae
Rose's slave
belonging to Rose
Gonna brand someone?
thank you George
Hi, George,
As a matter of fact, yes!! Going to engrave it on the inside of my husband's wedding ring ( Rose is my playful alter-ego)
A friend of mine and his wife had "Gotcha!" inscribed in theirs.
Hi Does anyone know of the equivalent in latin to "From tiny acorns, mighty oaks do grow"?
Thanks in anticipation
The phrase comes from the Latin:
Parvis e glandibus quercus.
Literally "Oaks from tiny acorns."
could you tell me pierce in latin thank you!
To pierce = perforare
Bear in mind that the form of the verb changes with person, number,
tense and mode. So if you show me how it is to be used in a sentence,
then I can give you a more accurate translation.
What's the translation for these sentences?
How do you say this in Latin?
"Fight with valour. Die with honour."
Mind my 'u' in the valour and honour, because I'm from Australia.