Tue 8 Feb, 2005 08:11 am
Can someone help me translate from English to Latin:
"The Future is Now"
Thank you,
I would render it:
Futura nunc existent.
The Future is Now
Is there any other way, my Air Force office wants to use it as a logo and "Futura nunc existent" might not sound good. How about
"We are the Future" or the "The Future is Here"
Thank you for your kindness. I will tell you if we use it.
Futura sumus.
We are the future.
Futura hic sunt.
The future is here.
But please consult some other sources before using this on a logo.
I'm just some guy that does this for giggles, not a genuine Latin scholar.
(Software engineer by profession)
please I need extremely urgent help !!
Could someone please tell how to say MILLENNIUM in latin? I would very much appreciate an answer as fast as possible.
A millenium is a period of a thoiusand years,
thus mille anni (thousand years).