Sun 6 Feb, 2005 10:26 pm
ok...well, my old gf and i had a really bad falling out and we really dont speak anymore...i dont relly want to because she used me and i resent it. But ill admit i cared about her alot and yea i think i even loved her...but since we stopped talking 2 weeks ago, i met this reallllllly amazing girl...and sparks flew. We hung out, we kissed, and we really wanna see eachother again, we like eachother alot. But my friends are saying im doing it out of do i know?
Are you feeling pleasure when thinking about your old g/f finding out? cuz then it's spite.
i dont think so...i really tried hard so she wouldnt find out about it cause i was trying to avoid that sort of thing
Dude, if you really like the new girl, who's reallllllly amazing; why give a rat's a$$ what your friends think? 2 weeks is long enough. Try it and see if you like it. What harm could come of that?
Well, for one, it may be harmful to THE AMAZING NEW GIRL. She's not a test drive you know. She's a person with feelings that could be terribly hurt.
Try it and see if you like it??? I'm surprised at you Occom Bill.
eoe wrote:Well, for one, it may be harmful to THE AMAZING NEW GIRL. She's not a test drive you know. She's a person with feelings that could be terribly hurt.
Try it and see if you like it??? I'm surprised at you Occom Bill.
I'm guessing that sounded worse than what I intended? My meaning is if sparks are flying and he really wants to see her again and vice versa, why wouldn't he?
Another date could her I suppose, or him, but that's a risk we take whenever we date isn't it? Perhaps you thought "it" sounded piggish? I didn't mean it that way.<shrugs>
Are by any chance your friends also friends with your ex? My friends would probably be happy if i was moving on after being hurt.
Your friends will speak the truth when your heart is unsure.
It's not really advice, but moreso a reminder to give your friends the credit they deserve. Love interests come and go, but friends can be a great constant in life.
Of course this is not the same scenario, but rather an explanation of my thoughts ... I ignored the advice of a group of my oldest friends when I got married, and their concerns have been somewhat justified ...
Does this new girl know about your ex?
If it helps, I got myself into a vaguely similar situation in which i started seeing someone a few weeks after breaking up with someone... and I was really bitter about the breakup. Anyway, this other girl knew about my ex and stuff and was/has been rather paranoid about it ever since... even 2 months in. Things between her and I really clicked initially but now they're kind of a chore sometimes... and I reckon it's probably coz I didn't clear my head of stuff I felt for my ex and perhaps started things with this new girl a bit too soon. I think that if you still feel enough for your ex to resent her then it might be an idea to take a step back to sort out your feelings before getting properly involved with someone else... might be a bit dangerous to start a relationship whilst harbouring strong feelings of either resentment/bitterness/jealousy/etc towards an ex.