Setanta wrote:The pro-gun lobby has an all too often hidden agenda, which is the idiotic assumption that they, with their little pop guns, can stave off government tyranny. These are people who are not living in the real world.
I always hear this issue raised from the Freedom Hater camp. I don't hear much talk about it on the pro-freedom side.
However, human history indicates that guerrilla warfare is not at all easy for conventional forces to defeat.
Setanta wrote:In cases such as The United States versus Miller (1939) and The District of Columia versus Heller (2008), the Court clearly underlined the right of the Congress to regulate firearms, and delimited the reach of the second amendment into the issue of gun control. The gun nuts were ecstatic over Heller, because they didn't read it carefully.
No. We were ecstatic about Heller because we understood it completely.
The government has always been able to place restrictions on rights. But
only when those restrictions can be justified with a good reason.
The Heller ruling means the eventual end of all the laws that have no reason other than to violate our rights, and that is what we want.
Setanta wrote:The recent slaughter in a Florida high school, however, and the resultant militancy and politecal activism of the students there may well be the thin end of the wedge which will drive the NRA out of their position of undue influence. One can only hope.
Hoping that civil rights organizations will fail to protect our rights is Orwellian.
However, thankfully this Orwellian hope is in vain. The NRA is doing just fine.