Thu 3 Feb, 2005 05:06 am
Hi, I'm writing this after two hours maybe of tossing and turning in my bed.It's true, I can't sleep, not this day, the whole week.This is annoying, I only catch few hours late during the night.
Sorry everybody that I haven't post anything for more than two weeks.
Are you stressed? Sleep deprivation is very unhealthy, have you tried sleep aides?
Welcome to my world. I can't sleep either. Hm.
Sucks. I am right with you there.
I know this sounds trite, but it was once suggested to me and it worked--Try "praying" for everyone you know..
Try calcium tablets before you go to bed. It has a natural calming effect.
I'm not stressed I guess, I tried last night but late as usual.I don't like to get used to any knid of medication.I'll exhaust myself in something , then it should come.
Hi Bella
IF you can drink warm milk JP's right about the calcium. Has helped others