I'd be feeling pretty angry and low by this time.
Question: Your work group, you say they're older, but are they also clique-ish, petty or game players?
Every work place has it's own personality. The company I work for has many clinics, each with anywhere from 10 to 30 people working in each. I occassionaly get to visit them during audits, classes, etc.
I've walked into some and felt an immediate sense of team, even family. In others, I kept feeling between my shoulder blades for the knife. It's hard to keep new people there because they "eat their young".
Unfortunatley, it very hard, but not impossible to change the workplace personality if even one or two people are happy with the status quo.
Does this sound like where you work?
Years back, I worked as a temp at a state agency for a VERY short period. It was a nightmare. I was just trying to bring in some money while looking for a "regular" job - But some state employees took every chance to remind me "of my place". Like kids in a play yard
Today - I have to say that anyone at work that would have cause to know me stays on my good side (not that I have a really bad one

) since (1)they know I'm privy to all sorts of confidential information, and (2) If I asked anyone if the want lunch, I'll make sure they get it.
Will you be at this job forever?
When you move on, you can be an agent for change. You'll know how it feels to be ignored, and won't subject others to it or tolerate it others.