Except the excuse that claims that those galaxies are not moving at more than light speed, because it space that's expanding, is moronic nonsense.
Its an excuse, not an explanation.
Here are the facts.
We are here, watching something move away at a measured or derived speed of 2c.
It doesn't matter a fig what "imaginary frame of reference" you invent, the relative speed differential is still 2c.
Saying that the object is not moving, but the nothing in between (the space) is expanding, and space CAN go faster than c, is nonsense.
That's like saying that the bullet from my gun is not really moving anywhere, but the gas between the bullet and my gun is expanding!
That's like claiming that the plane is not moving in the sky, its the sky expanding. However, EVEN IF it was space expanding, (which its not) how can it both expand AND also SHRINK, giving us red and blue shift?
Further, even if it was space expanding the net result it that it causing that distant star to MOVE AWAY AT 2C! The reason that's its space expanding does not change the fact that the distance between me and that star is increasing at 2c. (for ANY reason, this is an impossibility according to Einstein)
These weak excuses are a feeble attempt to hid the fact that Light speed WILL NOT, CAN NOT ever be measured at still just c, even if we are moving at 75% of c ourselves.
The concept is irrational, and quite impossible.
Blue and red doppler shift of starlight is evidence that we DO measure light speed as c+v and c-v.
In exactly the same way we use wavelength, speed of the radar gun emission to detect relative velocities between that wave and the approaching car.
To say that wavelength is NOT happening at the speed of light is irrational, because that's the principal we use for the speed cameras.
All the weirdness of modern physics can be traced back to Einsteins wacky, quackery of his Theories of Relativity.