1./ OK, what scientific experiment was proposed to possibly demonstrate that Einsteins SR is WRONG?
2/ What scientist devised an experiment that would give a result opposite to what Einsteins claimed?
I cant think of any.
I see that several experiments CLAIM to support his theories.
3/ But I've never seen an experiment that can demonstrate that changes in clock rates PROVES that TIME is changing. The clock is changing, but that is not proving that TIME is changing. Its a giant assumption right there.
4/ I've never seen an experiment that PROVES that space is a Mathematical construct that is curved.
5/ I've never seen an experiment that PROVES that there is not such think as TIME or SPACE, rather its all SPACETIME.
Special Relativity relies on TIME dilation, and Spacial Distortion, (length Contraction) but according to General Relativity, they don't exist, only spacetime exists.
And you can't separate the "space" from the "time" in "spacetime". By rights, EVERY mathematically accurate claim in Physics today should always be providing the coordinates of any object or event in terms that include the dimensions and the time. But the never do. They give the time and location when the Apollo capsule docked with the command module, but those coordinates and time had nothing to do with the time and coordinates of us back on earth. In fact, because we cant know who is moving ever, then any talk of distance or time is meaningless. We have no standard for a meter, because distance is variable according to an "unknowable stationary origin".
We have no idea how far light travels in "one second", because time is variable and related to that same absolutely UNKNOWABLE standard for time keeping. Whose version of a meter or a second are we going to choose?
This is why Einstein abandoned his theory or Special Relativity later in his life, and stated that an absolutely not moving "ether" was essential for any rational understanding of Physics.
6/ I've never seen an experiment that PROVES that a mathematically curved geometric construct can cause physical objects to move.
7/ I've never seen light speed being measured as a one way trip
8/ I've never seen an experiment that PROVES that an ether does not exist. (or that it does)
9/ I've never seen an experiment that PROVES that Light is always measured at c irrespective of the speed of the observer.
10/ I've never met anyone who really thinks that the moon came to the Apollo capsule, and not the other way around.
For the anally retentive, please substitute the word PROVES for "supports the hypothesis" .
And also for the same guys, "Theory" is for all intents and purposes the same as "hypothesis". The only difference is that science club members like the ideas of one more than the other on some subjects.
11/ And Ive never seen an experiment that PROVES that Light or radiation, is an electromagnetic wave. Sure you can use electricity and or magnetism to generate the energy known as radiation, but that does not mean that the radiation is composed of some combination of the two.
I can make fire by rubbing two sticks together, but the "fire", (radiation , light) created are not composed of little wood shavings and friction.
Claiming that radiation, (light) IS an electromagnetic phenomena, is like saying that radiation Light from my fire is "wood and rubbing".
Actually I have created Infrared and visible Light by friction and wood, but Light is "electromagnetic", so where is the electricity and the magnet which must exist close by, before you can have an electric or magnetic field?
I know, the atom has an "electron", a "charged particle"... but if this were true, then I should be able to attract any atom from any substance to a magnet, or influence any substance with electricity. but I cant. Even though all atoms have negatively charged electrons. But all this is conjecture, based on INTERPRETED observational evidence.
The particle model of atoms is not really very well robust, but as the old saying goes, its the best we've got at the moment.