Vanessa Trump Hospitalized

Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2018 03:09 am
In his case, it's not so scary, because he probably won't live that long. But imagine that holy roller Pence in for life. If they repealed presidential term limits, you can bet your bottom dollar Pence would be looking evangelical hit men.
Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2018 03:28 am
A Netflix series on the disassembly of our constitution by someone like Plump would make a really good , very scary show.
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Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2018 04:18 am
Well, some people around here won't like this, I'm sure, but . . .

The most dictatorial president in our history was a Democrat--Woodrow Wilson. His campaigning "genius" was George Creel--he was responsible for Wilson's slogan "He kept us out of war" in the 1916 campaign. Like all good behind-the-scenes politicos, he could stop on a dime, give you a nickel change, and completely reverse direction. In 1917, Wilson created the Committee for Public Information, and appointed Creel to be its chairman. Creel not only ramped up the propaganda, he manipulated the press, and the release of information to the press with enough skill and subtlety that newspapers came to the CPI first and last.

Wilson also jammed an espionage act and a sedition act through Congress (probably crafted by Creel) in the early days of indignation over the Zimmerman telegram. Both acts were used to round up and lock up Americans born in Germany or Austria, and many Americans whose parents were born in those countries. They were used to lock up religious conscientious objectors, some of whom died in prison from maltreatment. They were used to lock up political opponents, Eugene Debs being the most prominent, but by no means the only one.

Wilson's chickens eventually came home to roost. He was stiff-necked and had become accustomed to having his every wish treated as a royal command. When he came back from Paris in 1919, Henry Cabot Lodge, an old-line Republican progressive and crony of Theodore Roosevelt, was the Senate majority leader. To ratify a treaty, you need two thirds of the Senate. The Republicans had made only modest gains in 1914 and 1916, but they had taken over the Senate in 1918. Lodge wanted to talk turkey, and Wilson refused to negotiate. Instead, he went on a whirlwind whistle-stop campaign to get approval of the treaty from the American people--and wrecked his health in the process. By then, the people were less than impressed with Wilson, and outrage has a very short half-life in politics. Neither Lodge nor the other members of the Senate were impressed, and Wilson's treaty went down to defeat. He needed two thirds of the Senate, and he couldn't get it without Lodge's cooperation.

Studying Creel and the Committee for Public Information is really, really scary. President Plump only wishes he could exercise that kind of power.
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Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2018 04:23 am
This Wikipedia article just scratches the surface of CPI and Creel's activities--it does not plumb the depths. Nevertheless, it's worth reading:

Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2018 04:50 am
Wiki's a hard one to go through, I can pretty much tell wheat from chaff in science articles but history, its tougher for me.
Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2018 05:07 am
I highly recommend the PBS series "The Great War," in three parts. The second and third episodes detail the racism of the Wilson administration (he segregated Federal offices by executive order) and anti-black riots in the summer of 1919 were so bad it was known as the red summer by black activists. It also tells the twisted tale of Wilson's attitude toward women's suffrage, and the story of Alice Paul, who publicly opposed the war and was sent to prison. Ironically, it was Creel who convinced Wilson to release Paul, and support the proposed 19th amendment in the summer of 1919. Many suffragettes were a part of the anti-war movement. Right through the war, American public opinion (the study of which was in its infancy) remained opposed to the war. Creel used patriotic sentiment to stifle dissent. Try this:

0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2018 08:32 am
I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot some day.”

US governments already have this in place. The gullible folks think that their votes mean something.

Y'all need a Noam Chomsky reminder at least every other day.

"The general public are viewed as no more than ignorant and meddlesome outsiders, a bewildered herd. And it's the responsible men who have to make decisions and to protect society from the trampling and rage of the bewildered herd. Now since it's a democracy they - the herd, that is - are permitted occasionally to lend their weight to one or another member of the responsible class. That's called an election." -- Noam Chomsky
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Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2018 10:58 am
I can pretty much tell wheat from chaff in science articles

Could you have a look at this one, farmerman?

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade
Center Catastrophe


Abstract: We have discovered distinctive red/gray chips in all the samples we have studied of the dust produced by the
destruction of the World Trade Center. Examination of four of these samples, collected from separate sites, is reported in
this paper. These red/gray chips show marked similarities in all four samples. One sample was collected by a Manhattan
resident about ten minutes after the collapse of the second WTC Tower, two the next day, and a fourth about a week later.
The properties of these chips were analyzed using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy
dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The red material contains grains approximately
100 nm across which are largely iron oxide, while aluminum is contained in tiny plate-like structures. Separation
of components using methyl ethyl ketone demonstrated that elemental aluminum is present. The iron oxide and aluminum
are intimately mixed in the red material. When ignited in a DSC device the chips exhibit large but narrow exotherms occurring
at approximately 430 ˚C, far below the normal ignition temperature for conventional thermite. Numerous iron-rich
spheres are clearly observed in the residue following the ignition of these peculiar red/gray chips. The red portion of these
chips is found to be an unreacted thermitic material and highly energetic.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2018 12:40 pm
Investigating "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 WTC Catastrophe"
Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2018 12:42 pm
You're enabling the September 11th trolling. Given the opportunity, that member would make every thread here about it's conspiracy obsession. I could not be more indifferent.
Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2018 02:17 pm
Yeah, you're right. But I really thought farmerman would be interested in the Metabunk site and this thread's pretty much gone south since no one really gives a **** about Vanessa Trump.
Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2018 02:20 pm
I could not be more indifferent.

Then why do you post about it on every occasion you can? Why do you encourage hightor to be such an intellectual coward, similar in nature to you and farmerman, the "scientist"?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2018 02:26 pm
hightor wrote:
. . . and this thread's pretty much gone south since no one really gives a **** about Vanessa Trump.

Bingo! Somebody give that man a cee-gar.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2018 02:57 pm
Why are you replying to farmerman, hightor? Surely, you are not going to let yourself be frightened off by others telling you what you can and can't, what you should and shouldn't be discussing.

That is downright unAmerican!

Mick West is not remotely a scientist. Why do you immediately grab the first bit of nonsense you can find? Look at where it has led you?

Harrit et al's paper found the red gray chips in WTC dust. They are thermitic. But most importantly, the elements measure at the nano scale. No one in the world save for the US knows how to make NANOthermite. No one else in the world has access to NANOthermite.

The major by product of these nanothermite reactions, iron microspheres, were found in WTC dust by RJLee, a forensic engineering firm working for Deutsche Bank. They describe a "unique WTC dust signature".

I-B. The RJ Lee Report

In May 2004, the RJ Lee Group issued a report, entitled “WTC Dust Signature,” at the request of the Deutsche Bank, in order to prove (to its insurance company) that the building was “pervasively contaminated with WTC Dust, unique to the WTC Event.” [19] The report listed five elements in this signature, one of which was: “Spherical iron and spherical or vesicular silicate particles that result from exposure to high temperature.” [20] This was the only statement about iron’s being modified by high temperature in this 2004 report.

However, RJ Lee had written an earlier report in 2003, entitled “WTC Dust Signature Report,” which contained much more about iron. It said: “Particles of materials that had been modified by exposure to high temperature, such as spherical particles of iron and silicates, are common in WTC Dust … but are not common in ‘normal’ interior office dust.” [21] This 2003 version of the report even pointed out that, whereas iron particles constitute only 0.04 percent of normal building dust, they constituted an enormous amount of the WTC dust: 5.87 percent (meaning that there was almost 150 times more iron in the dust than normal). [22] This earlier version also explicitly stated that iron and other metals were “melted during the WTC Event, producing spherical metallic particles.” [23]

In addition, whereas the 2004 report did not use the word “vaporize,” this earlier version spoke of temperatures “at which lead would have undergone vaporization.” [24] Accordingly, whereas the 2004 report referred to “high temperatures,” the earlier report indicated that the temperatures were not merely high but extremely high, because for lead to boil and hence vaporize, it must be heated to 1,749°C (3,180°F). [25]


That unique dust signature also had molten molybdenum, and vaporized lead, both of which could not have been heated to the required temperatures by the ONLY available fuels, jet fuel and office furnishings.

As Dr Griscom, the eminent US scientist who peer reviewed the Harrit paper, has noted, the office furnishings were, like the people, drywall, steel forming pans, the 220 acres of concrete, ... all turned into micron sized particles. That degree of pulverization is not possible with a gravity collapse, not possible without a great input of extra energy.

Additionally, Dr Griscom notes that the pulverized office furnishings could not have contributed to the fires that could not be put out at ground zero. A fireman, Toolie O'Toole, saw and described a molten steel member being pulled from the rubble in February of 2002.

September 12, 2001-February 2002: Witnesses See Molten Metal in the Remains at Ground Zero

In the weeks and months after 9/11, numerous individuals report seeing molten metal in the remains of the World Trade Center:

* Ken Holden, who is involved with the organizing of demolition, excavation, and debris removal operations at Ground Zero, will later tell the 9/11 Commission, “Underground, it was still so hot that molten metal dripped down the sides of the wall from [WTC] Building 6.” [9/11 COMMISSION, 4/1/2003]

* William Langewiesche, the only journalist to have unrestricted access to Ground Zero during the cleanup operation, will describe, “n the early days, the streams of molten metal that leaked from the hot cores and flowed down broken walls inside the foundation hole.” [LANGEWIESCHE, 2002, PP. 32]

* Leslie Robertson, one of the structural engineers responsible for the design of the WTC, describes fires still burning and molten steel still running 21 days after the attacks. [SEAU NEWS, 10/2001 pdf file]

* Alison Geyh, who heads a team of scientists studying the potential health effects of 9/11, reports: “Fires are still actively burning and the smoke is very intense. In some pockets now being uncovered, they are finding molten steel.” [JOHNS HOPKINS PUBLIC HEALTH MAGAZINE, 2001]

* Ron Burger, a public health advisor who arrives at Ground Zero on September 12, says that “feeling the heat” and “seeing the molten steel” there reminds him of a volcano. [NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION, 9/2003, PP. 40 pdf file]

* Paramedic Lee Turner arrives at the World Trade Center site on September 12 as a member of a federal urban search and rescue squad. While at Ground Zero, he goes “down crumpled stairwells to the subway, five levels below ground.” There, he reportedly sees, “in the darkness a distant, pinkish glow—molten metal dripping from a beam.” [US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT, 9/12/2002]

* According to a member of New York Air National Guard’s 109th Air Wing, who is at Ground Zero from September 22 to October 6: “One fireman told us that there was still molten steel at the heart of the towers’ remains. Firemen sprayed water to cool the debris down but the heat remained intense enough at the surface to melt their boots.” [NATIONAL GUARD MAGAZINE, 12/2001]

* New York firefighters will recall “heat so intense they encountered rivers of molten steel.” [NEW YORK POST, 3/3/2004]

* As late as five months after the attacks, in February 2002, firefighter Joe O’Toole sees a steel beam being lifted from deep underground at Ground Zero, which, he says, “was dripping from the molten steel.” [KNIGHT RIDDER, 5/29/2002]

The ONLY fuel that could have lasted that long, in the deep dust of the ruins, where oxygen/air would have been in short supply is the nanothermite, which supplies its own oxygen.

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Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2018 03:07 pm
NO no, Im terribly interested but I actually did a personal debunk with exactly the same logic to both of the 911 douche bags several years ago. The logic was. "Since all the blobs of Al and Fe2O3 were found on TOP of the fallen debris it has to have occurred AFTER the building came down-Course I never had any comparison "before" photos like this guy. Based on my argument JTT and Glenn just piled on that I wasnt a true scientist blah blah blah, I just tuned them out with a dual ignore. In the last year, the main nut had gone away (probably the mods got the shits of her one trick pony discussions).So I did some spring house cleaning up my ignore list and since she came back a few months ago, I must have taken her off ignore so I did have a talk but found to my dismay that she is NOT taking her OCD meds. So I put her back on ignore.
The paper you quoted is sorta the same thing I was sqying way back.It gos a distance further evidence wise so Im now fully loded by others forensic data that I was right all along. Im glad that the bloggers have done some excellent and noble research efforts work with their own time sequence photos(To which I can heartily add my endorsement)Security cams and forensic stuff is really neat when its got time stamps on top. I wonder how the conspiracy guys are gonna come up with an argument because Im sure they will first DENY the facts in front of them.
However, Im afraid nothing will stop the batshits. Conspiracy needs no facts,it feeds on reinforcing legends with new legends , thats why it continues along ,ever unchanging.
Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2018 03:10 pm
Once she was found to be alright, I think the PO should have done an investigation about the letter and pursue it as a crime. I dont wish any ill on Vanessa, I just have no further interest in the subject without new facts.
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Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2018 03:10 pm
Better change the title of this thread.
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Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2018 03:11 pm
Does that sound even remotely like a scientist, hightor?

The fear in farmerman's voice is palpable.
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Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2018 03:11 pm
Hey gunga, got any news about Vanessa?? She going to that PTSD clinic in Minsk??
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Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2018 02:11 am
The white powder turned out to be flour or some such but you cannot take chances with something like that.
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