LionTamerX wrote:dobre utra - Good morning
dobre dyen - good day
dobre noch - good night.
Some correction:
Good morning - Доброе утро (Dobroye utro, sounds like [dObra Utra])
Good day/afternoon - Добрый день (Dobryi dien, sounds like [dObri dEn])
Good evening - Добрый вечер (Dobryi vecher, sounds like [dObri vEchir])
However we often tend to say Здравствуйте (Zdravstvuite, sounds like [zdrAstvuti] or just [zdrAsti]) rather than all the above greetings. It can be translated as Hello, but is much more formal in Russian than in English.
If you would like to wish somebody sweet repose, you may say:
Good night - Спокойной ночи (Spokoinoy nochi, sounds like [spakOina nOchi])