Well, if she's spending all her weekends visiting military bases, when is she teaching her Sunday school classes? Her "handlers" need to get their stories straight LOL.
I have to wonder if Ms. Carlson is perhaps "misunderestimating" the "glee set" in seeing through the smoke screen Hil has created for her new "positions". Who here, for instance, doubts for one second that she would undo every conservative law or appointment if she could.
That the mere mention of her getting the nomination puts a smile on most right-thinkers should send up a huge red flag to the dems - DO NOT underestimate the common folks!
That said, I would LOVE to see a Clinton/Boxer ticket - which would undoubtedly assure us our first 50 state win.
Foxy - let's start a "Conservatives for Boxer '08" focus group!!! LOL!
OT - I heard today that Teresa Heinz has dropped the "Kerry" from her name. She said she only added it while her husband was running for Prez. Ouch.