The sheople need to be made nervous again, apparently.
The real question is: Did Tom "Duct Tape" Ridge just blab himself out of a Presidential Medal of Freedom? (I'm not too worried for him; he's probably still got the seven-figure consultancy at Carlyle as a fallback):
Quote:Departing Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said on Friday he believed another attack on the United States was inevitable, and warned that America should not focus just on al Qaeda, but also on similar groups that could carry out attacks.
"I have accepted the inevitability of another attack or attacks," Ridge said in an interview on the eve of his departure from the department launched two years ago to guard against another attack like that of Sept. 11, 2001.
"It could be al Qaeda or it could be al Qaeda-like organizations," said Ridge, who departs on Feb. 1. "I do think, when we talk about global terrorism, (it is) better ... that America doesn't focus just on al Qaeda."
"There are a lot of al Qaeda-like organizations and there are quite a few (Osama) bin Laden wannabes out there -- you've got one of them operating in Iraq right now," he said, referring to al Qaeda's leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
Reuters via Yahoo
First, I thought we were going to be attacked only if John Kerry was elected President.
That's what Dick Cheney and Bernie Kerik and others said, anyway...
Secondly, I would like to know what steps Ridge has taken to protect his own family in the face of this inevitability, especially since he has been privy to the most sensitive national security intelligence. Does the Ridge household have sufficient plastic sheeting for the windows, doors, and fireplace? How about a five-tier, color-coded terror alert warning system electronic light bar in the kitchen? Is there breathing apparati readily available -- meaning upstairs and down -- for all family members? A helipad out back for rapid evac?
This isn't quite as dumb as Tommy Thompson giving our enemies suggestions on what to attack next, but it
is in keeping wih the Bush administration's undeclared desire to keep the sheople on a running-in-the-background program of fear.
Do you think it's working?