I like seeing that so many other people put everything off too...makes me feel better to think of you all miserably procrastinating, just like me...
I shall write up a list, just because it gives me something else to do instead of what I should be doing:
cut mat for my entry in student art show, or art teacher will kill me
get someone to pose for me so I can do my life drawing homework
finish drawings of heads, also for life drawing
call my director person and weasel out of what she wants me to do
call two business contacts and make appointments
prepare for appointment on Thurs.
read chapter for archaeology- either the one we're on next week, or all the other ones I haven't read in weeks past <giggle>
prepare for archaeology presentation
finish one more painting for museum show
call glass cutting place
Okay, now I shall come here and look at my list whenever I need more guilt and feelings of panic to motivate me...I think I'll go make my phone calls now...