Less than normal, actually. This is a GOOD day.
An average day finds me utterly guilt ridden for
not being more on the ball, not getting things done
on MY time schedule, not being superwoman, not having
everything orderly, and everything in its place, and a
place for everything. Oh for heavens sake, like what
difference in the entire world does it make if I do or
do not, do some frittering little task about the house.
Sounds like Msolga- You and I need to work out a plan
here. Stop those nasty little thoughts that keep popping
up from stabbing into our self esteem, killing us with
guilt, blame, telling me I am lazy and useless.
JUST FOR TODAY, I decided to give me a break.
And I feel much better.
I fear that it's a programmed kind of put down thing
that I do, learned well in childhood - so that I can
never be happy with me, no matter what I do or
what I achieve - it will never be enough. So, it is
one of those internal catch 22's....to which I must
put a stop. Got any ideas Msolga, Phoenix, Dlowan
anyone? I sabotage myself by not finishing a project,
take the curtains which I have been working on for
3 months - but it only took me one day to get one
finished. The rest of the 3 months, I have not even
touched the material so how COULD I expect me to
finish. Now, every time I walk into my bedroom, I
see the one curtain, which is plenty huge enough to
cover the entire bay window, but it's still only half of
a pair which I am supposed to be making. I could
have had it done ages ago. ... so why do I put it
off?????? Now, if I had those fresh oranges and
grapefruit calling to me, that is immediate
gratification and I might actually get out there to
DO that one.
Hello, babs!
I hope you enjoyed your day off!

I hope you've even extended it to a few more days!
My problem is that I'm just plain disorganized! And I REFUSE to make long lists & tick off each point as I do the jobs. Don't ask me why - maybe I secretly LIKE the chaos, who knows? That is, until the (mental) list becomes mind boggling!
A number of A2Kers have mentioned procrastinating about paying bills. Could it be that we like the ILLUSION of losts of money in the old bank account? Paying the bills would destroy that nice illusion!
I wish to avoid crucifixion today, verily I say unto you it doth hurt.
I have suffered for your sins.
I haven't wanted to balance my checkbook for four months. But I made myself do it tonight. I was within five cents. Swear.
Well done, Rae! At least you made it!
Rae, I'm impressed! If I got four months behind on balancing my checkbook ... ah heck ... I don't even want to think about it.
Today I'm putting off sorting out all my accumulated paperwork I have piled on my half of the workspace I share with my flat-mate, in the ludicrously small space the Uni calls a living-room. It's 9.30, if I stay in my room, and don't have to look at it, I can put it off some more, yay.
Funny story about deadlines: Last semester, my final Scottish History essay was due at 5 on a Monday. Gave myself til 2 to finish it, but ended up tweaking it til 4.45. (footnotes, grrr.) Now, usually takes me 20 mins. to make it over to the history dept, but made the trip in 5, to hand it in a something like 4.55. Not proud, but hey, it was in!
And I am in awe of anyone with a balanced cheque book. The words balance and cheque book do not go together in my vocabulary.
Welcome aboard Lorna, gees with share the same procrastination - we must be the only two in the world - good to meet you soul partner!
Hello Lorna & WELCOME!
As you can see, you are not alone in your bad habits!
Doing the laundry - should have done it yesterday and now today I don't have time.
That's funny, Joanne ... When I procrastinate madly about important things, like paying the bills on time, I go into laundry over-drive!
Love to watch all that clean stuff flapping around in the wind, catching all that great sunshine! Such a sense of achievement! Progress!
This morning I'm procrastinating about getting dressed!
I have been sitting here quietly on the back verandah, mesmerized by the sight, sound & smell of beautiful rain coming down constantly. (such an unusual sight after months of endless drought!) ... I sit & drink tea & dream of the things that I will soon do in my new backyard. I'm getting itchy fingers!

Such a peaceful Sunday morning ... Why rush into ANYTHING?
Lovely, Msolga!
What am I procrastinating about? EVERYTHING, that's what.
I have a hangover.....ooooooohhhhh....
Hahaha, dlowan - I was about to say that my body is procastinating getting rid of this hangover it has. I did walk the dog at least.