Thu 27 Jan, 2005 09:11 pm
I want to find a Japanese friend so that when I have some questions about Japanese, I can ask him(her). And when he encounters some questions about Chinese, I can help him. My Japanese is poor but I can speak English. So I hope my counterpart to be a junior Chinese learner and can use English to communicate. :wink:
Hi moomin again, I'm learning chinese. I can be your perfect learnin buddy!
ni hao, wo jao moomin. wo shue zhong-wen 1 nien la. women shi panyou!
I don't know how to write in pin-yin...... did you get it?
I generally use numbers to stand for Chinese tones when I teach a foreigner. "1" for the first tone, "2" for the second tone, "3" for the third tone, "4" for the fourth tone. And if necessary, I will use "0" for "qingsheng", which means you should not emphasize it. So the sentense you write above should be:
ni3 hao3, wo3 jiao4 moonmin. wo3 xue2 zhong1 wen2 yi1 nian2 le(la both are correct). wo3 men2 ke3 yi3 cheng2 wei2 peng2 you3.
shi4 peng2 you3 means we are friends. We are already friends. Before the other one agrees, you should not say this.
cheng2 wei2 peng2 you3 means "become friends", so it sounds much better.
This is the Chinese character version. I think you should be able to see it.
Hi? 私は translatorczです。You can easily contact me using MSN if you like. Or you can post your questions here. I will not hesitate to help you. Thank you for your concern about me questions.
Using numbers for tones works perfect! Looking forward to leaning with you. : )
Oh, finally I got ur message. That's fine. If you have any question, please don't hesitate to ask me. And I'm sure to bother you later.