I can't really say for sure why I'm even posting this, because I know no one can give me some magic answer or response; I guess I've just always been the type of person who gets relief of some sort by writing down what's on my mind...
I'm just about to turn 24 and was married about 3 months ago. DH and I lived together for a year and a half prior to that and have now been a couple for almost 5 years. Before getting married, I was very anxious and hesitant about it in the weeks prior to the wedding, but I shrugged it off as cold feet. However, those feelings have not gone away, and I find myself very resentful toward my husband about it. The feelings are regret and feeling like I've given up my chance to be young, date, have excitement, etc.
DH and I hardly have sex anymore - not because of him, but because of me. I do not want to. I feel he is the best friend I could ever ask for, but I do not want to be intimate with him. I find myself flirting with other men, or at least WANTING to flirt with other men, and I'm very angry to know that I can never date again, or experience that feeling of "new" love again. My lack of interest in sex stops with DH. I AM attracted to other guys, though I have never acted on those feelings nor cheated on anyone in my life.
I'm wondering if I am, in fact, too young to be married? I feel like I'm finally finding out who I am, making friends easier than I've ever made before, establishing a career for myself...
Not to ramble too much, but I was always shy. I never really went out and had fun. I had boyfriends and close friends, but I didn't party or have a LOT of friends. Now, for some reason, opportunities to do those things are presenting themselves, but I can't do them because I'm someone's "wife." My DH just doesn't "do it" for me. But I know that if we didn't get married, we'd still be together... it's not like we'd have broken up or anything. But I don't know if I stay with him because I love him or if it's because I love the conveniences that come along with having him as a partner (a nice house, new cars, etc.). He's a fantastic human being, but I'm just not happy to be married...
This probably makes me sound so shallow, and like I said, I know there's not really any "answer," but I guess the question anyway is, "Is this normal?" Is it normal to regret getting married so soon after doing so? Do cold feet last into the marriage? Or did I make a big mistake... should this man have been my friend and not my husband... Do phases like this regularly occur in marriage and then pass?
Thanks for giving me a forum in which to vent. At the least, it feels good to admit these feelings, even though they are feelings that make me feel ashamed.

Thanks, all.