A ring on the wee wee? yeah, i can see how that is hilarious now, but not then !!
I just had another OH MY GOD moment.
Bean is still taking her antibiotics, of course, they are sweet and taste pretty good to her so she gets sort of excited when I apporach with her medicine spoon.
Today , about 11 pm she go that excitement again flinging her arms around and yelling MAMAMAMAMAMAA!! Like she always does when she is excited.
So i wait... until the arm swinging stops, the yelling tones down and she is sort of over her energy rush and start giving her the meds.
She swings her arms at me and POW.. she hits my arm harder then expected and the medicine spoon and the bone of my wrist end up in her face.
the spoon hit the tip of her nose and a LARGE amount of meds went right up the nostril. The bone of my wrist hit her in the cheek making her cry.
At first I thought she was just crying because she got scared . Then I noticed meds dripping out her nose
THAT CANT FEEL GOOD... poor thing.
So scared mommy scrambles to get some q-tips and clean it out. hhehehe... she did NOT like that idea.
Ended up madder then she was.
Called Doc, he got a chuckle but wasnt worried.
He said just watch and see if she gets more drainage from her nostril then usually but it will work its way out on its own..
Bean will not survive to see 2 at the rate her mom is going!!!!!!! hehehehe