Global Warming...New Report...and it ain't happy news

Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 01:52 pm
From The Sunday TimesDecember 2, 2007

Planet feels heat of divorceRoger Waite
UNHAPPY couples used to stick together for the sake of the kids. Now they can make the best of a bad marriage in the name of being environmentally friendly.

Scientists have quantified for the first time the extent to which divorce damages the environment. The researchers found that the combined use of electricity across the two new households created rose 53% while water use was up by 42%.

Across America - one of 12 countries studied - divorced households used 73 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity in 2005 that could have been saved if the families had not split up. That is equivalent to about a fifth of Britain's consumption.

Broken couples also increase demand for housebuilding and infrastructure such as new roads. "The global trend of soaring divorce rates has created more households with fewer people, has taken up more space and has gobbled up more energy and water," said Jianguo Liu of Michigan University, who carried out the latest research.

The study, to be published tomorrow in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that the average number of rooms per household was between 33% and 95% higher for divorced couples than for married ones.

Liu also calculated that America now has an extra 38.5m rooms in houses and apartments built to meet the demand for more accommodation generated by divorce over the past three decades.

The growth of single-person households is also damaging the environment. Research published in the journal Environment, Development and Sustainability found that:

- One-person households are the biggest consumers of energy, land and household goods, such as washing machines, refrigerators, TVs and stereos, per capita

- They consume 38% more products, 42% more packaging, 55% more electricity and 61% more gas per capita than four-person households

- People living alone create 1½ tons of waste annually compared with a ton by those in households of four or more
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 02:46 pm
Associated Press
Top Businesses Demand Climate Action
By SETH BORENSTEIN 11.30.07, 8:50 AM ET

Some of the world's top business leaders are demanding that international diplomats meeting next week come up with drastic and urgent measures to cut greenhouse gas pollution at least in half by 2050.

Officials from more than 150 global companies - worth nearly $4 trillion in market capitalization - have signed a petition urging "strong, early action on climate change" when political leaders meet in Indonesia.

The hastily prepared petition drive, coordinated through the environmental office of Britain's Prince Charles, is signed by leaders from mainstream powerhouse companies such as Shell UK, GE International, Coca-Cola Co., Dupont Co., United Technologies Corp., Rolls Royce, Nestle SA, Unilever, British Airways and Volkswagen AG.

Phucking tree hugging commies
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 03:24 pm
The "officials" know it doesn't mean anything and by signing up they get an invite to the booze-up in Bali. It isn't just commies who do that. It's men and women.
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Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 03:27 pm
Have you no comment Bernie on how divorce is threatening the survival of the planet as we know it?
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Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 03:32 pm
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Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 04:36 pm
Guess who likes divorce and it ain't the kids.

Still, the kids don't seem too high on the list of educational priorities do they? Those seem to be more to do with posturing adults with a program to "break the mould". It's like smashing crockery really when you get right down to it.

Is The Arabian Nights banned there yet? Genies in bottles. Ridiculous. We want stories about scientists saving us all now don't we. No Pied Pipers shooing the rats off. Who's this Mr Tambourine Man?

The BBC's Science Correspondent has just reminded us, as if we need reminding, in an item about scientists saving us all, that one in three of us will get cancer. Just the ticket to send all the little Hucks off to their bedtime dreams with. Much more realistic than three wishes. Showed some cells multiplying too. At least I think they were cells. They were round and had tendrils on the edges like octopussies and they took over the screen while we watched. No mystical pipe music.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 04:48 pm
Diest TKO wrote:
Seems that Judge D should learn about canines, and Scientist D should revisit the evidence.


Actually, only Judge D and Scientist D think for themselves. The others just "go along to get along."
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 04:55 pm
Solving the divorce problem--but not the kid problem--is easy. Make all marriages--past, present, and future-- illegal. Then we can all be truly cold again.
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Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 05:19 pm
ican711nm wrote:
Solving the divorce problem--but not the kid problem--is easy. Make all marriages--past, present, and future-- illegal. Then we can all be truly cold again.

Or you could just outlaw divorce. How many would be in favor of that?

And why is this a topic for the global warming thread.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 05:59 pm
maporsche wrote:
ican711nm wrote:
Solving the divorce problem--but not the kid problem--is easy. Make all marriages--past, present, and future-- illegal. Then we can all be truly cold again.

Or you could just outlaw divorce. How many would be in favor of that?

And why is this a topic for the global warming thread.

Perhaps it's a parody of human caused global warming.

Divorce is alleged to cause global warming. So outlaw marriage. If divorce is outlawed, married mates can still legally separate and cause global warming. But then we could outlaw divorce and legal separations. But wait, what's the global warming effect of separations that are not legal Question

The ppm of the H2O and CO2 mixtures in the earth's oceans is very high. Those mixtures evaporate at an increasing rate as the earth warms. So earth warming is the real cause of CO2 ppm increasing in the atmosphere. Human releases of CO2 in the atmospheric are too trivial to deserve blame.

We are desperate to learn what it actually is that humans are doing to cause earth warming. It has to be something. Confused We can't trust those buggers Exclamation So why not blame divorce Question
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 06:05 pm
To answer that would be to give the end away.

Hey- is that witty or is that witty?
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Diest TKO
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 06:16 pm
ican711nm wrote:
Diest TKO wrote:
Seems that Judge D should learn about canines, and Scientist D should revisit the evidence.


Actually, only Judge D and Scientist D think for themselves. The others just "go along to get along."

No evidence was provided that Either Judge D or Scientist D think for themselves, only thaty they think differently. Nothing to say that they are not influence by who is not a judge or scientist.

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Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 06:56 pm
You can't outlaw marriage. It seems such a naturalo thing to do.

The stray "o" there was a typo but I like it.

It's good fun getting married. It's a self-indulgence dream isn't it. What would be the social consequences of outlawing marriage? It doesnt bear thinking about as boo-boo might have said.

And think of the jobs although I'll allow that the staff of the various aspects of the marriage business might be redeployed.

But divorce can be outlawed on the "made bed has to be slept in" principle. It might make people make their beds more carefully if it was.

Anyway- kids don't like it. So you can please the kids and save the earth by sticking it out on your choice and not be feathering a lawyer's nest into the bargain, and that's a better deal than sitting in single person's accomodation thrumming with indignation, and when the storms blow over there's a nice cup of tea being brought in some of the time.
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Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 07:03 pm
imo the study shows that the more separate living units there are , the more energy is being used . what the study did not address is the enormous spread of suburbs and the increase of house sizes .
if people live ever farther from their place of work , more energy will be needed to get them there and back . similarly , the bigger the houses get , the more energy it'll cost to build and maintain them .

india and china are still good examples that demonstrate that large family units living under one roof use less energy . of course , indian and chinese people now watch TV and see how the people in the developed world are living , and they are beginning to like the idea of having more living space .

imo the city of toronto is a good example of how people from india - just to give an example - that can afford it , are having really enormous houses built . i doubt that they can really make use of all the living space , but it gives them the satisfaction of being able to show that they HAVE ARRIVED .

i'd compare that to the 1950's and 1960's when many immigrants arrived in canada from europe . often the first major purchase was a LARGE used car . pictures would be taken and sent home to the families in europe to show how RICH they were . they may have been living in a basement or an attic room ; of course , they wouldn't send a picture of that home to the family .

dutch architects and builders have come up with interesting ways of building (row)houses with a very small footprint . since they have a small country with many immigrants , they had to find ways of putting ever more people into the available space .

in canada and the USA we have plenty of space and think nothing of using up more and more land for housing . in southern ontario there is now some movement by government and developers to come to grips with the ungainly spread of suburbs that are eating up ever more farm land .

modern city architects are suggesting that we should not just "build out" - using up more land - but build up . they are not suggesting that skyscrapers are the solution but that "stacked" housing , such as eight or twelve individual "living spaces" can be combined into a unit . it would give families the privacy they desire , while taking up less land and require less energy to build and maintain .
(i have to admit that we live in a small bungalow that was built for us in the early sixties on a city lot that nowadays would give space for at least a fouplex ) .

getting more bang for buck in building accomodation (houses , condos , apartments) is really not a difficult thing to achieve , but will require us (particularly in north-america) to accept some changes in life style .

looking at housing in old european cities and even a city such as quebec city , shows us that we can live with a SMALLER FOOTPRINT - if we are willing to !

STREETSCENE IN QUEBEC CITY - many of these houses were built more than 200 years ago - notice the density of housing



0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 07:12 pm
Pie in the sky mate. It assumes human beings can see reason.

But who's reason?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 07:37 pm
Diest TKO wrote:
ican711nm wrote:
Diest TKO wrote:
Seems that Judge D should learn about canines, and Scientist D should revisit the evidence.


Actually, only Judge D and Scientist D think for themselves. The others just "go along to get along."

No evidence was provided that Either Judge D or Scientist D think for themselves, only thaty they think differently. Nothing to say that they are not influence by who is not a judge or scientist.


You didn't provide any evidence to support your contention:
Seems that Judge D should learn about canines, and Scientist D should revisit the evidence.

You first!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 07:57 pm
Interesting! You think we can reduce human caused global warming by increasing ppm (i.e., people per million cubic meters)?

It has recently been alleged by the media that in Western Europe, where housing is increasingly dense, ppm is high and the rate of "greenhouse gases" released into the atmosphere, is increasing. That could be interpreted as just cause for decreasing ppm.
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Diest TKO
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 10:19 pm
ican711nm wrote:
Diest TKO wrote:
ican711nm wrote:
Diest TKO wrote:
Seems that Judge D should learn about canines, and Scientist D should revisit the evidence.


Actually, only Judge D and Scientist D think for themselves. The others just "go along to get along."

No evidence was provided that Either Judge D or Scientist D think for themselves, only thaty they think differently. Nothing to say that they are not influence by who is not a judge or scientist.


You didn't provide any evidence to support your contention:
Seems that Judge D should learn about canines, and Scientist D should revisit the evidence.

You first!

The burden of evidence doesn't fall on me, it falls on the judge and the scientist. As for my claim, it would seem that Judge D and Scientist D's conclusions are not congruent with the others, that's why they have the burden of proof. Unless they support it, their conclusion is not valid solely because they are a Judge or Scientist.

Judge D can't just say that something isn't a shaggy dog, without making a case. Perhaps showing a picture of a shaggy dog, and pointing out the differences in what a shaggy dog is and whatever it is in front of the four judges. The judge may additionally want to establish early on with the other judges what qualifies as shaggy as it will assist in the conclusion of what they are looking at.

Scientist D needs to do much the same. If they wish to say the world isn't warming because of man, they had better be ready to show how the evidence avalible supports that idea, and further be able to explain the evidence that is contrary to their theory. The scientist may want to establish what warming would be defined as, so that will assist in the conclusion of what is happening.

The truth is that scientists in majority believe in GW and more specifically that humans contribute to it. More specifically, many scientists believe that humans make the most dramatic contribution to it.

Look how many peer reviewed papers on GW have been rejected. Look how many peer reviewed papers their are on countering the most accepted GW theories.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Dec, 2007 04:06 pm
Diest TKO wrote:
ican711nm wrote:
Diest TKO wrote:
ican711nm wrote:
Diest TKO wrote:
Seems that Judge D should learn about canines, and Scientist D should revisit the evidence.


Actually, only Judge D and Scientist D think for themselves. The others just "go along to get along."

No evidence was provided that Either Judge D or Scientist D think for themselves, only thaty they think differently. Nothing to say that they are not influence by who is not a judge or scientist.


You didn't provide any evidence to support your contention:
Seems that Judge D should learn about canines, and Scientist D should revisit the evidence.

You first!

The burden of evidence doesn't fall on me, it falls on the judge and the scientist. As for my claim, it would seem that Judge D and Scientist D's conclusions are not congruent with the others, that's why they have the burden of proof. Unless they support it, their conclusion is not valid solely because they are a Judge or Scientist.

This is funny!

Yes the burden of proof does fall on you. You made the statement I enlarged above. I didn't and the the Judges and Scientist didn't. Where is your evidence that your statement is true?

Judge D can't just say that something isn't a shaggy dog, without making a case.

Of course he can and did! The other judges made their statements that the dog was shaggy and did not make their case either.

Perhaps you think when a majority says something, they are not required to make their case for it, but when a minority says something they do have to make their case for it.

That of course is malarkey.

Perhaps showing a picture of a shaggy dog, and pointing out the differences in what a shaggy dog is and whatever it is in front of the four judges. The judge may additionally want to establish early on with the other judges what qualifies as shaggy as it will assist in the conclusion of what they are looking at.

Scientist D needs to do much the same. If they wish to say the world isn't warming because of man, they had better be ready to show how the evidence avalible supports that idea, and further be able to explain the evidence that is contrary to their theory. The scientist may want to establish what warming would be defined as, so that will assist in the conclusion of what is happening.

The truth is that scientists in majority believe in GW and more specifically that humans contribute to it. More specifically, many scientists believe that humans make the most dramatic contribution to it.

Look how many peer reviewed papers on GW have been rejected. Look how many peer reviewed papers their are on countering the most accepted GW theories.

Majorities do not determine scientific truth. My favorite example is that way back in time a majority of scientists said the earth was the center of the universe. Then a majority said that the sun was the center of the universe. Then a majority said our galaxy, the Milky Way, is the center of the universe. Currently a majority are saying we do not know what or where is the center of our universe. Another example is that a majority of scientists once said the speed of light varied with the speed of its transmitter and/or receiver. Now thanks to Albert Einstein a majority says the speed of light is constant regardless of the speed of its transmitter or receiver. Who knows? A majority may think something else in future.

A majority of scientists--many of whom know little or nothing about causes of earth warming--does say the CO2 released by humans into the atmosphere is the major cause of global warming. A minority of scientists does say the CO2 released by humans into the atmosphere is not the major cause of global warming.

The majority of scientists has not made their case, but must make their case before we should agree and make any major changes in how human civilizations should produce their energy. By the way, that majority is shrinking.

We all agree that CO2 and other gases humans are releasing into the atmosphere is adding to the ppm of those gases in the atmosphere. We all agree that the earth has been warming for at least the last 20 years. We all do not agree that the increased warming is caused by the increased CO2 ppm, et cetera, in the atmosphere.

Another theory is that earth warming is by far the most significant cause of the increased CO2 ppm, et cetera, in the atmosphere. The theory points out that the earth's oceans have been accumulating CO2 for centuries and even millennia. As the earth warms, more of this CO2 accumulated in the oceans evaporates into the atmosphere than would if the earth was not warming. While much of that precipitates back to the earth when regions of the atmosphere cool (e.g., cold fronts), current earth temperatures cause the CO2 in the atmosphere to have a net increase.

So what is actually causing the earth to warm? Some theorize that it is mainly caused by increases in the magnitude of the sun's net radiation on the earth and its atmosphere.

Who is right? That cannot be determined by a majority vote. That must be determined by real, and not political, scientific evidence

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Diest TKO
Reply Tue 4 Dec, 2007 08:50 pm
Whine all you like, you've in no way established how the scientific community is just going with the flow, and agreeing on what is popular.

The burden of proof is on you. I don't need to provide proof for your question that exists only in your theoretical world. From what info is given, judge D is incorrect.

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