and then the lil bugger resigned from the game
oh well, my sowpods rating went up in any case
Since we last met, johnboy/poorpuppy has continued to sink. Now down to a rating of, um, 5. This has been a difficult time , the last few days, for A2Kers, so few of my "buddies" are ever playing.
So I hit the "Seek a Game" button a couple of times an evening. And so far it has been fun. I've lost to folks from Canada (several, in fact. It must be a long winter in Canada), Australia and numerous places in the U.S.
I like to chat with the other player, so as soon as I can I'll type something like ( in Virginia, usa. where u?). Most, so far, have responded. Some dont, preferring to concentrate on the game and the dreaded clock. I've yet to run into any real jerks.
keep an eye out for bru66, rjb - i think you can take him
big time
Where do you play Poker Beth?
There's a thread around here somewhere, O'Bill.
(I was still practicing at errrrrr the place with the crackers, but knocked out 3 computer players again - ready to go to the real site soon)
The place with the crackers?

I play at Golden Palace lately and sometimes at Party Poker. I don't know the one with the crackers. I recommend GoldenPalace for beginners. You can play for free... or start out with as little as a $20. Single table tournaments for as little as a ten cent buy in... or as much as $500. Multi tables daily for as little as one cent You'll find that the dynamics change drastically when you add money, because it ceases to be an all in festival.
Thanks, I take a look at it but I only use play money. BTW what do you mean by crackers?
just watched poorpuppy win another game!
ah, yes, ehbeth, poorpuppy wins again. Which brings his record to something like 5 and 50.
Were you privy to the comments? Sherri (my worthy opponent) was playing me from the Maldives. That sent realjohnboy scurrying to his atlas, buried somewhere under the empty pizza boxes.
Further along, poorpup asked, brashly (as Americans tend to do), so what do you do in the Maldives? The response, which sounded a bit British in its bite was "I live here."
I think we have all come to realize in the past few days how powerful the internet is; how strong the web is in connecting us all.
Good night and please don't be bashful about challenging me, despite my dismal ranking.
So now it is Thursday. I left work a bit earlier than usual because of the the snow/sleet storm here in Virginia. Played two games before supper and "won" them both by forfeit, even though I was behind in them. That was strange.
I do like to do the "chat" with your opponent thing.
Not for trash talking but more like "i in va/usa. u?" and see where it goes from there.
My first game ended shortly after he responded to one of my comments with "r u a smartass?"
Am I (I don't think so, and with my ranking the smart part is certainly wrong)? Do I have bad breath? Anybody here still playing? rjb
rjb - I'd play with ya, but I can't match you. If you see me loitering, please match me.
Most of yall have grown weary of the scrabble thread but I'm still into it. The players at my level know they aren't very good but we play on. Happy to find a place to put in a three letter word.
I've met some cool people on the scrabble thread. Sometimes we spend more time chatting than we do actually playing the game. I've mentioned A2K to some; but I don't think any of them have been interested.
(ehbeth, I reckon you can't challenge me because you are so highly rated. I'll catch up with you sometime).
I'm a middle of the road player, rjb. No great shakes.
I played a few rounds earlier today - had lots of fun - took your lead and 'chatted' with a few. However, once one of them started asking about my age, location and appearance - I decided to cool that a bit
I'll be back there tomorrow, in between loads of laundry.
I've enjoyed my games with strangers so far, the one who got me with "wha" (which seems to have wreaked more havoc since) was really nice.
I haven't played in ages, wanna but ushering sozlet through another cold... sigh.