now l'k is playing a kickass game and I'm watching
we're just voyeurs by nature :wink:
I don't claim to be the brightest lightbulb on A2K or anywhere else for that matter. But I do read a lot and write some, so I know a bit about words. But I totally suck at at this scrabble game thing (2 wins and probably 40 losses). My ranking is something around 70, and all of my A2K buddies sign off when they see me sign on.
I'm reduced to playing against (and losing to) total strangers.
That's been okay. Some of them have been completely focussed on the game. But I did get into a round last night with somone from Eastern Europe where the clock ticked and ticked and we exchanged quick notes about geo-politics and other stuff and the game became moot. That was nice.
I invited her/him to check out A2K. I hope that happens.
Meanwhile, I do keep playing a time or two a night, providing raw meat to anyone who needs an easy win. Someday, someday, I'm going to get all the letters I need for nothing but seven or eight letter words ----- from realjohnboy
oooooohhhh, RJB, that's so sad. You need to learn how to work the double and triple word and letter squares. Or not. There is fun in playing the game sans strategy. I'll play ya sometime!
Sorry I missed you rjb! I came back to the computer and saw your challenge thing on the screen -- my connection (dial-up) had long since gone poof.
Just lost to a stranger by 4 points. Grrr. (Good game though, was fun. She won by playing "wha". "Wha"!? I looked it up though, real word.)
(I finally won one of those quickie games though, 15 mins, first time I've done it without complete discombobulation.)

I'm still recovering from the 15 minute one.
I do like the aspect of fitting one in if you don't have much time though.
I got pasted in the one 10 minute game I tried.
The other just kept passing and challenging and occasionally putting in a word. It was truly bizarre. And my rating went down by about 30 points as a result of that one.
I honestly don't know if I've won any quick games, but I find the pace nice. I tend to bog down and think too long with out the fast-paced pressure.
phooey - the system won't let me match poorpuppy. his formula won't accept me. last night it wouldn't let me match l'k.
i'm feeling very lonely.
ehbeth, I'll try to get back into the game in a minute. My rating, by the way, is now 55! Can I get into negative numbers?
I thought you were winning that game I was watching?
Please come in and match me. I'm definitely in the mood to play a coupla games. I'm in a fight for survival right now with a toughie.
rjb - try matching me, since i can't match you
poorpuppy sinks further into the abyss, sliding down to a rating of, um, never mind. Suffice it to say that its less then half my age and I don't remember the Hoover presidency. I expect to lose to people like ehbeth from Boston or somewhere else "up to the north" They read books and wear shoes all year round. But I lost (albeit by only a point or so) to someone from Tennessee. Tennessee, for god's sake. Have you ever been there? Why? At least it wasn't someone from West Virginia! That would really hurt.
oooooooooooooohhhh, poor puppy.
ehBeth from Boston?
whooooooooooo's that?
i don't understand it. rjb has the words - and he beat the clock the second time we played tonight. it's gotta come together soon. it's gotta.