Sun 23 Jan, 2005 01:27 pm
i went away for a month. Europe, greece. as soon as i got back i was snatched by another man. that worked pretty well, considering all circumstances.
Re: The Best Way To Get Over A Man...
doglover wrote:is to get under another one.
Not sure of the
best way.....but I figure forgiveness must be in there somewhere, for self, and others.
Your sig line is meaningful....
Best wishes.
Best way to get over someone is to get under someone IS the best way to get over someone.
Or just not allowing yourself to get too worked up about it...go out with some friends, get out of the house.
Or just kill your ex, chop them up and throw them in your freezer.
Pretty sure this is illegal. You're under arrest.
After my last 2 ex's, I decided that I needed to stay as far away from men as possible. Not that I don't love men, but I love the wrong ones.
I bought myself a very pretty but unusual lapis and gold ring. It was my gift to myself because I needed one. I've worn it for almost 20 years now and still get comments on it. I wore it on my right hand to draw the eye away from my ringless left hand. I've been happily remarried for almost 16 years but I still think of that ring as the symbol of something I did for myself.
I agree with slappy in everything he one slappy!!!
Start thinking of yourself as a complete person rather than as half a couple.
Instead of regretting the space in your day, fill that space with activities that please you.
Accept the inevitability of change.
So did this happen while you were married?
Either way, you gotta realize 99.99% of the time, once you cross the line from lovers to friends, it's almost impossible to be friends afterwards.
Just have to accept it, move on, and kill your ex.
And don't forget the chop 'em up and throw 'em in the freezer part.
Hey there, lil' sis. It's been awhile. I've missed you.
I think I know what this is about, but PM me with the details, okay? If you wanna talk...
doglover wrote:
Maybe I should clarify my situation. I am still (for the most part happily) married, so I am still half of a couple. The problem is, a very good male friend and I blurred the line between being friends and being lovers. I think our friendship may be damaged permanently.

I was wondering what happened.....
Turn the anger and the pain (and the embarrassment and the shame) into a well-loved but rueful memory.
You cannot change the past. You cannot cancel the consequences of the past. You can accept the past and learn to live gracefully with your errors and miscalculations.
Montana wrote:After my last 2 ex's, I decided that I needed to stay as far away from men as possible. Not that I don't love men, but I love the wrong ones.
you should consider a bear.... :wink:
"Maybe I should "
May I suggest a "Care" Bear?
A care bear sounds harmless enough ;-)