Sun 23 Jan, 2005 01:22 pm
A very funny, private man. May he rest in peace!
Oh my.
Just seeing the title of your thread has made all kinds of memories come flooding in, J_B.
Fare thee well.
Johnny was such a funny man, a true professional and a class act to boot. I don't think anybody will ever be able to fill his shoes. Leno certainly hasn't filled 'em for me.
RIP Johnny.
God, how I wanted to play in Doc's orchestra.
Oh, how sad to hear!
He certainly was a class act, always polite despite
his sometimes provocative humor. He had this british
comedian who played with a dummy bird (forgot her name),
and the bird attacked Johnny every time while he
couldn't control himself from laughing.
I guess that was his secret: He truly had fun and
enjoyed doing the show.
Oh, how sad.
Rest in peace Johnny boy.
The title gave me a pang when I saw it, too. I remember watching my parents watch his show when I was little. To me he was the ideal grown-up. I loved that he could be so silly, yet obviously sophisticated. That grin and sideways look!
Bummer. So long, Johnny. Rest in Peace. :sad:
From the day he retired to the present, I have always wished and said that I wished that he would come back, impractical though such a wish is. He was the best. He was an intelligent, kindly man whose humor was usually self-depricating. He was never unkind to his guests or to the audience. Watching him just made you feel good. We will probably see his like again someday, because the future is infinite, but probably not for a very long time. This is a sad day.
Good grief! On Entertainment Tonight just a few weeks ago, his puiblicist denied that he was ill. Arrrrrgh. It's just a stinking shame when it has to go down like that. Forced to deny the truth.
As a kid, feeling safe was drifting off to sleep hearing the Johnny Carson theme song playing on the tv in my parents bedroom. All was right with the world.
I feel like I have lost an old friend. RIP Johny.
BTW that theme was written by another late nite great, Steve Allen.
Steve Allen invented late night TV, Jack Paar refined it and defined it, but Johnny Carson perfected it.
There were some nights when some moment was so funny that I laughed so hard and for so long that I couldn't sleep for hours.
Joe (it's knowing that, at any moment, pure joy could show itself)Nation
I stayed up late many nights over the years, just to watch his show. Rest in peace Johnny.

I didnt even know he was sick.
Wow. This is surprising.
I wish his family the best of health and love now.
They have it harder then we do saying goodbye to him.
I went to bed with that man for years.
Letterman's tribute spoke for me, as well. There was only one like Johnny Carson. I keep threatening to get the DVD set for my kids. Now is as good a time as any.
My tastes had moved on before he retired--but when he was good--he was great.
Rest in peace.
Joe Nation wrote:There were some nights when some moment was so funny that I laughed so hard and for so long that I couldn't sleep for hours.
As a teenager, I can remember several really wacky moments that had me and my brothers laughing til we were crying. Carnac was hysterical to us back then. And when certain people like Jerry Lewis or Bob Hope would come on, anything could happen.
Long ago and far away I had a thread trying to define "charisma". Johnny was one of the people I listed that I personally found charismatic.
So many people agreed.
We never did define charisma but we all knew Johnny had it.