What, exactly, is the rationale for establishing "sanctuary cities?"

Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2018 01:12 pm
Max, he aint comin back though. He never does. He makes claims and, if they are in any way challenged, his response is to just repeat them again, and again, and again, and again... Of course he'll always tell you that HE knows what he's talking about and YOU don't, too. Then he says he's "bored" and don't NEVER come back.

So, anyways, I done decided to just haul off and scope out this Garcetti perv my own damn self, eh? Turns out, he aint Irish, after all:

Eric Michael Garcetti (born February 4, 1971) is an American politician serving as the 42nd and current Mayor of Los Angeles. He is the city's second Mexican American Mayor in over a century.

Like, whooda thunk, I ax ya?

Real Music
Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2018 01:13 pm
Let me put it this way.

Imagine if your worst fears had happened; Hillary Clinton was elected and now the ATF was asking to work with local police departments to enforce every Federal gun law on the book.

You know the reaction that would come out of conservative communities to save their guns? That is how I feel about immigrants (except immigrants are actually people).

This is an excellent analogy. The conservatives in those local cities and states would go ballistic.
Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2018 01:25 pm
@Real Music,
Real Music wrote:
This is an excellent analogy. The conservatives in those local cities and states would go ballistic.

So whichever party is in power, there are going to be things which the Federal Govt does, which the other side will bray about? And which side you think is in the right depends on your blue/red loyalties?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2018 01:46 pm
maxdancona wrote:
I don't know if you are looking for a rationale, or a fight. I will give you a rationale. This is personal for me, someone I care very much is currently on DACA.

The main issue is the rights of local communities versus the power of the Federal government. In these communities there are millions of American citizens who have friends, neighbors and family members who are undocumented. We want them to be protected. That is what Sanctuary Cities are... American citizens exercising our right to not cooperate with the Federal government.

The police don't work for the Federal Government. They work for me. I don't want them to cooperate with the Federal government on an issue I go to my local government and my state representatives and tell them to set the policy (which I have personally done). The police policy is set by local government.

Sanctuary policies are being established because American citizens living in these cities and states want them.

If you say, as you are, "I want the policies I want," then I don't have much to say about that at this particular moment. However, the citizens' elected congressmen have created laws which require people entering America to have approval to enter. If you don't like those laws, change them. Of the people in the country illegally, there are two types - those who entered the country illegally or overstayed a visa of their own free will and those who were children and, therefore, not responsible, when they entered illegally over overstayed permission to be here. For the people who are here illegally by choice, they have no right whatever to be here and should get out at once. As for the people who were children when they entered without permission or overstayed permission, perhaps some sort of arrangement might be made for them, but they have no right to be here either and their hardship is not the fault of the government for merely enforcing the law. Their hardship is the fault of their parents, who should have considered the consequences before making the decision to come illegally or overstay a visa. It has always been the case that when parents break the law their families will probably suffer. That's not America's fault for enforcing its immigration laws.
Real Music
Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2018 03:33 pm
Congressman grills Attorney General Jeff Sessions
Over Federal Marijuana Laws

0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2018 03:45 pm

If the local police enforce immigration laws in my city they get fired. If the police officials don't fire them, than the Citi government will fire them. If the city government doesn't fire them... Then they get voted out.

The federal government has nothing to do with this. There was an attempt for a small group of anti-immigrant hardliners to take over city government. They lost resoundingly.
Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2018 03:50 pm
layman wrote:

The Reconquista ("reconquest") is a term that is used (not exclusively) to describe the vision by different individuals, groups, and/or nations that the U.S. Southwest should be politically or culturally conquered by Mexico.

In an interview with In Search of Aztlán on August 8, 1999, Jose Angel Gutierrez, a political science professor at the University of Texas at Arlington, stated that:

"We are a captive people, in a sense, a hostage people. It is our political destiny and our right to self-determination to want to have our homeland [back]. Whether they like it or not is immaterial. If they call us radicals or subversives or separatists, that's their problem. This is our home, and this is our homeland, and we are entitled to it. We are the host. Everyone else is a guest."

"I believe that in the next few years, we will see an irredentists movement, beyond assimilation, beyond integration, beyond separatism, to putting Mexico back together as one. That's irridentism [sic]. One Mexico, one nation.

In an interview with the Star-Telegram in October 2000, Gutierrez stated that many recent Mexican immigrants "want to recreate all of Mexico and join all of Mexico into one... even if it's just demographically.... They are going to have political sovereignty over the Southwest and many parts of the Midwest."


Many of the members of this "movement" have stated that they will not be satisfied until every "anglo" has either left "their territory" or has been exterminated.

That was almost 20 years ago, and the plan has been working quite well. The militants in this movement want to utterly destroy every last gringo, but the more prudent have always planned to take over the whole region the democratic way, i.e., by simply out-populating, then outvoting, everyone else in the State.

It's working quite well in the People's Republic of California (soon to be annexed to Mexico by "secession"). Moonbeam Brown is fine for now, because he will go along with anything they want, but he'll soon be replaced by a hispanic Governor. The mayor of their largest city, the president of their senate, their Secretary of State (who controls the voting booths via the DMV), their Attorney General, and many other officials are all hispanic.

Hispanics already (since 2014) outnumber whites, and the will soon have a super-majority. Their plan is, and for decades has been: (1) to import wave after wave of Mexican citizens illegally by the millions (2) to continue to significantly out-breed whites (whose birth rate is now the lowest since 1933) (3) to watch, and foment, the mass exodus from that State that gringos are choosing to pursue, and (4) otherwise manipulate the cheese-eating citizens into doing their bidding.

This is nothing new; they have been advocating this course of action for years, and the cheese-eaters have been quite willing to accommodate their plans the whole time. A huge number of hispanics hate whites, for any number of reasons, not the least of which is a total disrespect for them due to their weakness. They definitely have some "payback" planned, once they gain control.

Good luck, cheese-eaters.
Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2018 04:25 pm
This article was written 12 years ago, but you can see that the Mexican Front was becoming more emboldened and determined every year.

DENVER — La reconquista, a radical movement calling for Mexico to “reconquer” America’s Southwest, has stepped out of the shadows at recent immigration-reform protests nationwide as marchers held signs saying, “Uncle Sam Stole Our Land!” and waved Mexico’s flag.

Even as organizers urged marchers to display U.S. flags, the theme of reclaiming “stolen” land remained strong. One popular banner read: “If you think I’m illegal because I’m a Mexican, learn the true history because I’m in my homeland.”

“We need to change direction,” said Jose Lugo, an instructor in Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder at a campus march last week. “And by allowing these 50,000, 50 million [immigrants] to come in here, we can do that.

The revolutionary tone has surprised even longtime immigration watchers such as Ira Mehlman, the Los Angeles-based spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform. “I’ve always been skeptical myself about this [reconquista], but what I’ve seen over the last few weeks leads me to believe that there’s more there than I thought,” Mr. Mehlman said

“You’re seeing people marching with Mexican flags chanting, ‘This is our country.’ I don’t think that we can dismiss this as youthful exuberance or a bunch of hotheads,” he said.

At the same time, some analysts say the seismic demographic shifts brought on by unchecked border crossings and birth rates are resulting in a de facto reconquista. “Demographically, socially and culturally, the reconquista of the Southwest United States by Mexico is well under way,” Harvard University professor Samuel P. Huntington said in 2004.

“We are millions. We just have to survive. We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying.
It’s a matter of time. The explosion is in our population,” Jose Angel Gutierrez, political science professor at the University of Texas at Arlington, said on the videotape.

La Voz de Aztlan, is a Whittier, Calif.-based news service that advocates a separatist state while criticizing Jews and “gringos.”


"50 million [immigrants] to come in here, we can do that.” Hell, yeah, especially once we get sanctuary State legislation enacted, eh!? Then we'll prosecute anyone who tries to get us deported.

That too is a done deal, now.
Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2018 04:59 pm
A few excerpts from a reconquista blog called "The Last Gringo," also from 2006

Reconquista: the Invasion of America

The American Southwest “…seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot.” July 20, 1982, Carlos Loret de Mola, The Great Invasion: Mexico Recovers Its Own, Excelsior [newspaper], Mexico City

There is a plan, called The Plan Of Aztlan, that’s been in effect for about four decades. The goal, being pursued vigorously by radical, racist Chicano (Mexican-American) groups and the Mexican government, is to reconquer (Reconquista) land lost to America in the Mexican-American War that ended in 1848 with the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo.

Mexicans and many Mexican-Americans have never accepted the loss of their land, inhabited long before the gringos (white Europeans) arrived. Chicano groups like MEchA (Chicano Student Movement Of Aztlan) want to reconquer seven states in the Southwestern United States called Aztlan, the mythical home of the Aztecs. They include: California, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, plus parts of Colorado, Nevada and Utah.

The road to success is based on infiltration (illegal aliens from Mexico) and demographic dominance (like-minded Chicanos being elected to political office by a region overwhelmingly of Mexican origin). What would exist is a de facto alien nation, with loyalty to their Mexican homeland.

Anything to achieve their goal is utilized. Non-assimilation is preached. Keep your” Mexicaness”. And the new immigrants are doing just that. Bi-lingual education is demanded. Demonstrations, intimidation of officeholders and lawsuits are filed to defeat proposed laws like Proposition 187 (denies public benefits to illegal aliens).

Vicente Fox, President of Mexico, is a major participant in Reconquista, the invasion of America. Fox, while speaking in Chicago on June 16, 2004, revealed his vision of the territorial boundaries of Mexico when he said: “We are Mexicans that live in our territories and we are Mexicans that live in other territories [America – primarily the Southwestern United States]. In reality, we are 120 million people [100 million in Mexico and the rest in America] that live together and are working to construct a nation.

So what we have is a people, united by hatred, supported by their government, with a plan to reconquer a large part of America, facing virtually no opposition from those with the power to stop it. And Mexico, confronting the most powerful nation on earth, could be victorious “… without firing a shot.”


And, even today, guys like Hi dutifully signal their virtue as a "tolerant" cosmopolitan by announcing that they don't care the least bit if these aliens have any patriotism or allegiance to the USA.

Everyone saw, and knew, it was coming. Well, except for cheese-eaters, I mean. They are too "moral" to want to defend our country from de facto invasion. That would be "racism," see?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2018 05:13 pm
I decided to... scope out this Garcetti...
Turns out he ain't Irish, after all:

Eric Michael Garcetti...

He is however quite American, seeing as his he was born in Los Angeles, Californ-eye-aye. The same is true for his father Gilbert (Gil) Garcetti. The elder Garcetti's father (Salvador) was born in Mexico to a father name Massimo Garcetti, who had come to Mexico from Italy and was then hanged, during The Mexican Revolution. It was then that Salvador came to the U.S.A.

Further, Gil Garcettii's mother was born in Arizona.

It seems Eric is well entrenched in American citizenship.
Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2018 05:15 pm
He's Irish.

Traceable ancestry shows a combination of Italian, Mexican and Russian.
Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2018 05:18 pm
You call it America. He probably calls it Aztlan, eh? Just wait until HE becomes president. He will have the power to enter into "treaties" with Mexico.
Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2018 05:21 pm
Our first Italian/Russian/Mexican President?

A true melting pot conglomeration. Sounds good to me. If he's nuts enough to want the essentially thankless job, more power to him .
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2018 05:28 pm
Harvard Professor Samuel P, Huntington, Chairman of the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies, wrote:
“The persistence of Hispanic immigrants threatens to divide the United States into two people, two cultures, and two languages… The United States ignores this challenge at its peril… Mexican immigration differs from past immigration due to a combination of six factors: contiguity, scale, illegality, regional concentration, [in the American Southwest], persistence, and historical presence… Demographically, socially, and culturally, the reconquista (re-conquest) of the Southwest United States by Mexican immigrants is well underway.”

Chicano Studies programs in many colleges advance the cause by indoctrinating young Chicano students to hate white America and to participate in driving them from the Southwestern U.S., all paid for by the American taxpayer. These students then go on to win political office.

Aint nuthin new. This was all plotted out before Garcetti was even born. He probably majored in "Chicano Studies," eh?
Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2018 05:54 pm
A more current article:

Investor's Business Daily wrote:
Immigration: Meddling dangerously in American democracy with a not-so-secret motive, the Mexican government is quietly aiding its citizens in the U.S. to become eligible to vote in our elections.

"Mexico is mounting an unprecedented effort to turn its permanent residents in the U.S. into citizens, a status that would enable them to vote -- presumably against Donald Trump," says Bloomberg Business.

But contrary to the claim in the Bloomberg piece, the goal isn't solely to keep El Donaldo from being president. It's ultimately to seed a group of Spanish-speaking people who will someday help Mexico take back the Southwest.

Don't laugh. It's not a paranoid vision. Mexico has never accepted U.S. sovereignty over what was once its land. And radical U.S. Latino rights groups -- including, most significantly, MeCha and La Raza -- have long agitated to return the Southwest to Mexico. What better way for a "reconquista" -- a reconquering -- of the Southwest than by the ballot box?

"This is the other Mexico," Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto crowed in Los Angeles in August 2014, referring to the United States. He meant it. But he's not alone. He's part of a long line of recent Mexican politicians who, emboldened by the presence of an estimated 12 million of their own citizens living in the U.S., have chosen to pick at the scab of Mexican separatism.

This goes beyond mere politicking -- and extends into undermining U.S. law. Mexico has long offered a "Guia del Migrante Mexicano," a comic-book style guide for those entering the U.S. illegally. Far from dissuading their citizens from coming here, they encourage it. Mexican officials and radical immigration groups then encourage Spanish-only ghettoization of Mexicans and Central Americans, along with a sense of grievance and victimhood for non-existent U.S. crimes.

Mexican consuls in the U.S. have repeatedly criticized U.S. law officials when they enforce U.S. law against illegal immigration. They hand out so-called "matriculas" -- a form of ID -- and lobby to have them accepted to get everything from drivers' licenses to bank accounts. Most offensively, they spend huge sums for Mexican textbooks to be used in U.S. schools with large Hispanic populations, all but guaranteeing that the kids who learn from them will remain unassimilated into the American way of life.

"After pressing us to educate Mexico's citizens, give them food stamps, deliver their babies, provide them with hospital beds and police their neighborhoods, the Mexican government also expects us to help preserve their loyalty -- to Mexico," wrote Heather Mac Donald, in a prescient article for the City Journal in 2005


The Mexicans have made so many advances that, like the cheese-eaters, they now scornfully deny that there is any reconquista movement. Their current numbers are sufficient to relieve them of the need for open, public advocacy of their goals.

They have wised up and now say they're opposed to Donald Trump, that's all. The cheese-eaters all across the country fall over each trying to be the first and loudest to laud California for it's "brave" anti-Trump stance.

Played, yet again, eh, cheese-eaters.
Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2018 06:07 pm
This article overlooks the fact that no illegal alien in California even needs to be a citizen to vote. No one is allowed to even ask for any kind of proof of citizenship there.

It's true that illegals are required to check a box, saying they are a citizen, in order to vote in national elections, even in California Not to worry though. The hispanic Secretary of State and the California legislature have you covered, amigo.

They have passed a law saying that anyone who claims they are a citizen when they aint is presumed to have done so unwittingly. The presumption is that the DMV employees told them to (which they do), and hence they can't be held personally responsible.

The Mexican government, and it's citizens who are illegally ensconced in the U. S., are thrilled to see American obessed with russian meddling, eh?
Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2018 12:04 am
True dat:

Is “reconquista“ for real? Are there really ethnic separatist movements in the United States today?

Some people scoff at the whole idea, confident that all immigrants will assimilate, and don`t want to turn the U.S. into the country from whence they came.

Others write off any talk about reconquista as a right-wing anti-immigrant fantasy.

More people are waking up, however, to see that there is more afoot than simply the isolated rantings of some radical professors (which is certainly part of it.)

The sheer arrogance and hubris of anti-American irredentists is alerting more and more Americans to the fact that, yes, there are people within our borders who don`t want to be part of the U.S., who think they have a better claim on the land than we do, and who aren`t too secretive about it.

But, what did we expect? You import millions of people from Mexico, the only country with an irredentist claim on the U.S.A . Then you encourage them not to assimilate. And, when they break your immigration law, you give them an amnesty. Our leaders invited this, and promoted it.


England had the same experience, except with muslims. I've forgotten his name but the British Minister who was their biggest champion, and who scolded any of his countrymen who had doubts as being "islamophobic," was confident that the muslims would assimilate into British society. Years later he admitted that he was entirely wrong and should have known better.

Too late. By then the muslims in Britain had become a "nation within a nation" with goals and sentiments that were diametrically opposed to those of their English hosts.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2018 12:08 am
Got a question. Why would Latinos want the US Southwest to be part of Mexico? Didn't they have a reason for leaving?
Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2018 12:14 am
According to them, Rog, they (Mexicans) didn't leave, and never left. They are the rightful owner of the land, which has been stolen from them by gringo invaders. They are in their land.

And, of course there is a steady influx of millions more Mexican citizens (illegally and legally) whose allegiance is to Mexico, not the gringos. They come to re-assert their claims to the land. They don't leave Mexico, they "come home."

It's kinda like moving from Indiana to Wisconsin for them, ya know. They just moved to a different state, that's all.

They're not waving the American flag at USA/Mexico soccer games in Pasadena--it's the Mexican flag.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2018 12:47 am
There's a chart here which shows the rapidly-changing ratio of whites to hispanics in California in recent decades.

In 1990 hispanics were outnumbered by about 2.5 to 1.

In 2000 it was down to less than 1.5. to 1

In 2010 it was close to even.

In 2014, hispanics took the lead.

They aint lookin back:

La Reconquista Has Arrived

Today, the Census Bureau released numbers confirming what demographers had predicted for some time now: at some point in 2014, Latinos would pass whites as the largest ethnic group in California.

The U.S. is now the second-largest Spanish-speaking country in the world after Mexico, outpacing even Spain.

“Where L.A. goes is where the rest of the state goes and where the rest of the country goes,” John Malson, the chief demographer for the state finance department, told the newspaper. “We announce demographically speaking, the future for the rest of the country.”


These are recent arrivals, who brought Mexican culture, Mexican prejudices, Mexican loyalty and Mexican aspirations in with them. Most of them are citizens of Mexico, not the USA. Many of them don't even want to "assimilate." They simply want to assert themselves as the controlling political force in the state. As far as they're concerned, the rest of the state (the thieving gringos) can assimilate to THEM. After all it is, and always has been, their land and their country.

I might, for reasons of climate, economics, etc. move to Spain and live there for years, but I would NEVER consider myself to be a Spaniard, and I would never favor Spanish interests over U.S. interests in the event of conflict. And if Americans could somehow come to dominate the country I was living in (Spain), I would be all for it and would cheer them on, know what I'm sayin?

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