What, exactly, is the rationale for establishing "sanctuary cities?"

Reply Tue 30 Jan, 2018 07:03 pm
maxdancona wrote:

Well, they left Mexico in 1829... so I would say that they had no loyalty to Mexico.

It wasn't 1829, it was 1835, like I done told ya several times. But, OK, thanks for the answer: No loyalty to Mexico.

They joined the US in 1945 and then seceded from the US in 1861 and fought against the US in the Civil War.

So maybe for 16 years between 1845 and 1861 they were loyal because during that time they could own slaves. We don't actually know what their level of loyalty was during those long 16 years, but they sure gave it up pretty fast.

In any point, Texas described itself as representing the supremacy of the White race. And there decision to leave both Mexico and the US had to do with slavery (they left Mexico the very year that slavery was abolished).

This discussion is amusing me. But we are driving poor Finn mad.

1829 was when Americans became the majority (not counting injuns, of course) in the Mexican state of Texas. It is also the year Mexico, after having (foolishly) recruited them as immigrants for years, outlawed further immigration. They didn't revolt that year. That came in 1835, after thousands more Americans had illegally immigrated into Texas.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Jan, 2018 07:15 pm
Texas was "founded" in 1519 by Spaniards, who aint exactly white.

I just want to check... do you know where the country of Spain is located? I don't know of anyone who doesn't think that the Spanish Conquistadors were anything other than White.

But, we were talking about the Republic of Texas, which became the State of Texas. Both of these were founded by slave owners based who believed in the supremacy of the White race. We know this because that is exactly what they said.
Reply Tue 30 Jan, 2018 07:21 pm
maxdancona wrote:

Texas was "founded" in 1519 by Spaniards, who aint exactly white.

I just want to check... do you know where the country of Spain is located? I don't know of anyone who doesn't think that the Spanish Conquistadors weren't White.

Aint ya ever seen one? Them boys is pretty brown, know what I'm sayin?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Jan, 2018 07:39 pm
Just for your info, Max (which I already done give ya), it's already been announced that when la reconquista is complete, and the independent nation of Atzlan (consisting of what is currently California, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico, at a minimum) has been established, it will founded upon the principle that La Raza is supreme. That's also when the gringo will either leave Atzlan or be killed.
Reply Wed 31 Jan, 2018 05:54 am
From an article written 12 years ago:

MEChA isn’t at all shy about their goals, or their views of other races. Their founding principles are contained in these words in “El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan” (The Spiritual Plan for Aztlan): "....For La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada.”

That closing two-sentence motto says: “For The Race everything. Outside The Race, nothing.”

If these MEChA quotes were coming from some fringe website, Americans could at least console themselves that it was just a small group of nuts behind it. Nearly every racial and ethnic group has some shady characters and positions in its past and some unbalanced individuals today claiming racial superiority and demanding separatism.

But this is coming straight from the official MEChA sites at Georgetown University, the University of Texas, UCLA, University of Michigan, University of Colorado, University of Oregon, and many other colleges and universities around the country.

MEChA and the La Raza movement teach that Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon and parts of Washington State make up an area known as “Aztlan” — a fictional ancestral homeland of the Aztecs before Europeans arrived in North America. As such, it belongs to the followers of MEChA. These are all areas America should surrender to “La Raza” once enough immigrants, legal or illegal, enter to claim a majority, as in Los Angeles.

The current borders of the United States will simply be extinguished. The final plan for the La Raza movement includes the ethnic cleansing of Americans of European, African, and Asian descent out of “Aztlan.”

As Miguel Perez of Cal State-Northridge’s MEChA chapter has been quoted as saying: “The ultimate ideology is the liberation of Aztlan. Communism would be closest [to it]. Once Aztlan is established, ethnic cleansing would commence: Non-Chicanos would have to be expelled — opposition groups would be quashed because you have to keep power.”

Former MEChA members include Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who was officially endorsed by La Raza for mayor. California Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante is also a former MEChA member. He delivered the keynote address at La Raza’s 2002 Annual Convention.

One of America’s greatest strengths has always been taking in immigrants from cultures around the world, and assimilating them into our country as Americans. By being citizens of the U.S. we are Americans first, and only, in our national loyalties.

This is totally opposed by MEChA for the hordes of illegal immigrants pouring across our borders, to whom they say:

“Chicano is our identity; it defines who we are as people. It rejects the notion that we…should assimilate into the Anglo-American melting pot…Aztlan was the legendary homeland of the Aztecas … It became synonymous with the vast territories of the Southwest, brutally stolen from a Mexican people marginalized and betrayed by the hostile custodians of the Manifest Destiny.” (Statement on University of Oregon MEChA Website, Jan. 3, 2006)


Reply Wed 31 Jan, 2018 06:27 am
A more recent article (2017):

Today MEChA is a leading campus advocacy group for illegal immigrants. The organization supports open borders; government benefits (including the right to vote) for non-citizens; state recognition of Spanish as an official language of the U.S.; racial preferences and set-asides for Hispanics in education and corporate hiring; taxpayer-funded welfare outlays and public education for illegal aliens; and ultimately, amnesty or a path-to-citizenship for illegals.

By supporting continued high levels of Mexican immigration to the United States, MEChA hopes to flood the Southwestern U.S. with enough immigrants to establish a numerical majority and thereby achieve the “reconquista” which would represent the fulfillment of EPEA's credo: “Where we are a majority we will control; where we are a minority we will represent a pressure group; nationally, we represent one party: La Familia de Raza.”

Its violent language about America’s alleged anti Hispanic bigotry has made MEChA a potent force on school campuses nationwide: the organization boasts hundreds of chapters in universities across the United States. It has also established a number of chapters in public high schools, routinely encouraging its young supporters to participate in political protests and marches. Like so many of its comrades on the left, MEChA has become expert in dressing up its own vile racism as a commitment to a nebulous something-or-other called “social justice.


The standard ploy for Mecha and their ilk (which Max has learned well) is to insist that "You're a racist if you call us racists."
Reply Wed 31 Jan, 2018 08:31 am
What percentage of Mexican-Americans (or Hispanic Americans in general) would you say hate America?

Do you think it is 100%? 50%? 20%? 0.00001%?

You seemed to be obsessed with the idea that Americans of Hispanic descent are looking to rebel against the US. What percentage are we talking about here?

To Finn, please note that this tangent again was started by Layman. I am just responding.
Reply Wed 31 Jan, 2018 09:09 am
I've posted some stats on this throughout this thread, eh, Max? Have you paid any attention? According to Slate (as I recall) the whole country of Mexico has a long history of hatred of gringos. The majority still feel that "their" land was stolen from them in 1846 and that it is "rightfully" theirs today.

Read back through the thread and see what mexicans themselves have to say. Any illegal mexican alien is a Mexican citizen, not an American citizen. Illegals aside, this is also true of the huge number of "green card holders."

As I said before, Mexico learned, from Texas way back in 1836, what the consequences of letting your territory be overrun by foreign nationals who have entered your country (whether legally and illegally) leads to. Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it, as they say.

As I said very early in this thread, when the Mexican flags and fans outnumber USA fans at a soccer match played in the U.S., that aint a good sign of loyalty or assimilation. Most disturbing is that the USA team was booed, even after losing to Mexico, when it was announced that they had come in second (to Mexico) in the world cup finals.

The U.S. is not even their "second favorite" country. It is their enemy.

I read where Mecha, with it's "For La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada" motto, and it's separatist goals, has a chapter in virtually every high school in the southwest U. S. They are indoctrinating their minions at an early age, and the message AINT to love America.
Reply Wed 31 Jan, 2018 09:22 am
I didn't see any stats to cover the question I am asking. If you posted it before, and I missed it, please excuse me.

I would like you to answer again... because you are making the argument that Hispanic Americans are a threat to national security, and this is pretty important.

What is the percentage of Hispanic Americans that you think hate America? If the number less than 1%, then I would say that you are being silly. Just to be fair, I also think it is silly to equate Trump supporters to neo-Nazis even though there is a video of a neo-Nazi leading a room in Nazi salutes while chanting "Heil Trump"
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Jan, 2018 10:26 am
An overwhelming majority (69 percent) of people in Mexico thought that the primary loyalty of Mexican-Americans (Mexico- and U.S.-born) should be to Mexico. Just 20 percent said it should be to the United States. The rest were unsure.

69 percent of people in Mexico also felt that the Mexican government should represent the interests of Mexican-Americans (Mexico- and U.S.-born) in the United States.


A June 2002 Zogby poll of Mexicans found that a substantial majority of Mexican citizens believe that southwestern America is rightfully the territory of Mexico and that Mexicans do not need the permission of the U.S. to enter. The poll found that 58 percent of Mexicans agree with the statement, "The territory of the United States' southwest rightfully belongs to Mexico." Zogby said 28 percent disagreed, while another 14 percent said they weren't sure.


When citizens and non-citizens of Mexican origin are taken together, 55 percent consider themselves Mexican, 25 percent Latino or Hispanic, and only 18 percent American.

According to a 2006 poll conducted by Investor’s Business Daily, only 19 percent of Hispanics spoke mostly or only English at home. Eighty-one percent spoke only or mostly Spanish.

Early immigrants tried to learn English and American ways but once there were enough Hispanics to create a parallel society, many gave up the effort.


It is from this crowd that Mexican citizens are illegally entering the U.S. It appears that the vast majority of them are not entering the U.S. to "become Americans." What's your estimate, Max?

Reply Wed 31 Jan, 2018 10:43 am
I am not sure if the cherry-picked statistics you are throwing out answer the question, if they are irrelevant. The question is, what percentage of Hispanic Americans hate America?

The statistics you are throwing around suggest that this number is about 70-75% of Hispanic Americans are disloyal to the United States. Is this what you believe?

The argument you are making is that Hispanic Americans are a threat to national security, so this number is important to understand.

So, do the statistics you are throwing around support a view that at least 70% of Hispanic Americans are disloyal to the country? That is the argument that you seem to be making.

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Wed 31 Jan, 2018 10:46 am
It's just a tad disingenuous to demand statistics and then dismiss them when provided.
Reply Wed 31 Jan, 2018 10:51 am
maxdancona wrote:

I am not sure if the cherry-picked statistics you are throwing out answer the question, if they are irrelevant. The question is, what percentage of Hispanic Americans hate America?

I wouldn't even try to quantify an intangible emotion. I saw it reported that a 2002 Zogby poll found that the "vast majority" of Mexicans self-reported as "hating America." I couldn't find the original poll, so I don't know if that's an accurate report.

The statistics you are throwing around suggest that this number is about 70-75% of Hispanic Americans are disloyal to the United States. Is this what you believe?

The argument you are making is that Hispanic Americans are a threat to national security, so this number is important to understand.

So, do the statistics you are throwing around support a view that at least 70% of Hispanic Americans are disloyal to the country? That is the argument that you seem to be making.

It doesn't matter what I think or believe. The question is what do Mexicans think/believe? Notice that, by their own reports, only 18% think of themselves as Americans, and that INCLUDES all those who have gone to the effort of actually becoming U.S. citizens.

Draw your own conclusions from what they say, eh?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Jan, 2018 11:28 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

It's just a tad disingenuous to demand statistics and then dismiss them when provided.

I am giving you every oportunity to state your own opinion, Finn. It seems like you are defending Layman's argument (and his "statistics"). Tell me, what do you think about this ethnic based argument that Layman is making? You can look at Layman's "statistics". In my opinion Layman's arguments are nonsense... the same kind of bullshit arguments used to denigrate Blacks and Jews. Do you think they have any merit?

You are walking a tightrope here, trying to defend Layman's ugly arguments while not wanting to take any responsibility for them.

The argument that Layman is making is that a large percentage of Hispanic Americans hate America and are a threat to national security.

I didn't demand any statistic other than the position that Layman was taking. I want to be sure that Layman is really making this argument that about 70% of Mexican American hate America. Instead of denying it, he has continued to argue that this is the case.

I think this is pretty ugly. Any ethnic based conspiracy theorist can come up with twisted "statistics" cherry picked to support his claims. The important thing are the beliefs that Layman is pushing about this ethnic group[/b].

Reply Wed 31 Jan, 2018 11:55 am
Let's be very clear here.

What Layman is arguing is that there is a sinister plot, supported by the great majority of Hispanic Americans as well as Bill DiBlasio of New York and Rahm Emmanuel of Chicago, to rebel against the US government and set up an ethnically pure new country, called Atzlan, where all other races will be excluded.

This is a pretty offensive belief, and it is rather similar to previous ethnic slurs against Jews and Italians.

When you are dealing with a ridiculous conspiracy theory, especially one demonizing an ethnic group, you are not dealing with reason. You are dealing with hate. Layman can pull up all kinds of what he calls "facts" to justify his hatred. He has pulled up quotes from radical 1960's groups. He is cherry-picking polls and making the numbers say whatever he wants them to do.

Of course, anyone is able to look over the facts from themselves... but let's be honest here. If you choose to believe that Jews or Blacks or Asians or Hispanic people are really plotting against the United States, that is your choice. You can always take quotes or numbers out of context to support whatever hateful belief you have... but the question is do you really believe that Jews or Blacks or Hispanics are really insidious?

This is pretty important either way... Take a side.

I would not at all mind having a discussion about immigration policy that didn't include this ethnic hatred. I tried. But, Layman started this thread with the intention of talking about this ugly conspiracy theory... and he is the one who keeps bringing it up.
Reply Wed 31 Jan, 2018 11:59 am
maxdancona wrote:

Let's be very clear here.

What Layman is arguing is that there is a sinister plot, supported by the great majority of Hispanic Americans as well as Bill DiBlasio of New York and Rahm Emmanuel of Chicago, to rebel against the US government and set up an ethnically pure new country, called Atzlan, where all other races will be excluded.

The only thing that's "clear" here is that you must have got yourself a brand new Acme Strawman Kit for Christmas, eh, Max?
Reply Wed 31 Jan, 2018 12:06 pm
Layman, I do not want to make a strawman. I want to state what your beliefs really are and then confront Finn with them. I thought that my summary was pretty faithful to what you have been arguing on this thread. But, of course I welcome any correction to what you believe.

So, please tell us succinctly; What do you believe about Hispanic Americans and Atzlan? Do you believe that there is a conspiracy supported by the majority of Hispanic Americans to start a new, ethnically pure, country in the American Southwest? I am pretty sure that is what you said.

If not, please state clearly what you really believe about Atzlan as supported by the majority of Hispanic Americans.

Are you really backing down from the Atzlan conspiracy theory?

Reply Wed 31 Jan, 2018 12:11 pm


The Calexit campaign led by Yes California will relaunch their ballot initiative on February 14. The corresponding slogan: "Valentine's Day in America sees the most divorces. Perfect time for us."

In 2018, the Calexit movement will try to gather hundreds of thousands of signatures in order to land on the ballot in 2019. The proposal would repeal sections of the state constitution that recognize the U.S. Constitution as the "supreme law of the land" and declare California an inseparable state.

"There’s a huge culture difference between Americans in California. That’s very obvious. Even those who don’t support Calexit understand that there really does seem to be a difference.”

Reply Wed 31 Jan, 2018 12:13 pm
Good. So when I stated your position based on what you said in your posts on this thread, I got it right. It wasn't a strawman.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Jan, 2018 12:16 pm
maxdancona wrote:

I am pretty sure that is what you said.

If not, please state clearly what you really believe about Atzlan as supported by the majority of Hispanic Americans.

Reading comprehension aint never been your strong suit, eh, Max. Go back and read what I DID say. I'm not going to try to re-write 20 pages of thread for you all over again.

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