Hi Littlek,
Hugs to you and Bootsie from me too. I know you treasure the good days, but the bad ones are treasures too.
Mr B had a cat/son when I met him. I had to pass Ed inspection before I was considered a worthy gf. Fortunately Eddie and I got along just fine. Years passed and Ed got old and sick. We nursed him through many months of his illness. We were with him when he died. My husband was very, very sad. I asked the girls to not talk to their dad about Eddie because he was too sad to talk about it. They asked about getting another cat and I explained that it would be too painful for dad.
A few weeks later I got a call from my then three year old's preschool teacher. M was telling her classmates about her cat's death. One of the girls asked her if she was going to get another cat. M said, 'Yup, just as soon as my daddy dies!'

The teacher thought I should know.
I told Mr B that M was planning his demise. We decided it was ok for them to talk to him about Eddie after that.