littlek wrote:Hi MsOlga. Bootsie still seems happy. She continues to slowly lose control of her hind legs and continues to be more and more tired. This morning she banged up her little feet so badly that she was leaving little bloody paw-prints all over the kitchen floor. A quick soak in some mildly soapy water fixed her up ok.
Thanks for asking!
Hello to you, too, k!
I know this is a hard thing for the "companion" of a beloved animal

to go through, day by day ... watching, watching for signs & changes...
But, in my experience, k, you sort of go along with the changes ... accommodate them. You change the pattern of your routine with the critter, to make their life as good as possible ... & then keep watching for further signs. <sigh> (I'm sure you know about this.)
Yes, it's sad, I know ... but as you're probably finding, it's a totally new dimension to the relationship. And in it's own strange & sad way, it's a big comfort to know that you're responding to the situation with all care & love you can muster. The best you can offer. The critter knows it, too. They depend so much more on you.
I guess this is all part & parcel of our relationships with these wonderful critters with such unfortunately short lives (compared to us humans). I guess we just have to accept the eventual loss. <sigh>
My thoughts are with you, k.