Not to diminish what you're going through ... but I'm sure we all appreciate our own 4-legged buds a little more than usual because of your bond with Boo and the updates.
That does the opposite of diminishing my anguish.
(((littlek))) and (((Bootsie)))
Quote:By usurping nature's role throughout the life of our pets, we must sometimes also accept its role in determining (and bringing about) the death of a pet. To accept this, we may also have to accept that, in some cases, the quality of life we're really trying to protect is our own: That we're allowing our pet to suffer out of a desire to avoid the anguish we know that we will experience when it dies. And that, ultimately, is the most unselfish act of love we can offer: To end a pet's suffering, we must choose to accept our own.
I got up extra early with the dogs, sat on the porch with them around sunrise and talked to them about Boots. Bailey knows the scent of Boots. I told him I was talking about a friend I'd shared a couple of sunrises with.
After Set got up, we all went to the beach. Miss Cleo and I had a dip, we all had a picnic, and then we all walked along the boardwalk for a while.
I'm in the gang thinking about you and Boots.
((((((((tripod hug)))))))))
and hard it is to figure which of those is going on at any one time, even one set of minutes, sometimes.
Beth, thanks..... I'll give boots a hug from you. You were a good pal to her when you visited.
Tico - 'to end their suffering'. The problem with Boo is that I don't know if or how she is suffering. She's not in pain. She is anxious about her leaking urine.
So... tonight she wanted to play. I brought her the little alligator that Dasha bought her and she squeaked for a while. I tried to take some video, but it's pretty dark. I think I'll try to do that again outside, in more light. The playing makes me want to change my mind.
I have nothing much but of sorrow to say.
I hope for company when I lose Pacco.
The photo of you two made me tear up too. It's just a really nice portrait of love, and love can make you cry.
Yeah, it's really hard to make a decision when obvious pain is not evident. Whatever you decide littlek, it's going to be the right thing because the decision will come from a deep sense of loyalty and a special bond only you share with your pet. A life of love is what Bootsie gave and got - what more could any of us hope for?
littlek wrote:Thank you.
I am feeling badly that you all may be having your heartstrings pulled for too long. I appreciate you staying for the duration.
Absolutely not to worry about any of us feeling sad or a bit weepy about your situation, k. It is a perfectly natural reaction from anyone who loves their animal companions & has been through what you're going through now. In my own case, A2K folk provided wonderful advice, solice (& some cried, too, knowing my situation all too well. Empathy.) when I had to put two of my darling cats to sleep. So please don't feel bad. There's absolutely no need to.
littlek wrote:Tico - 'to end their suffering'. The problem with Boo is that I don't know if or how she is suffering. She's not in pain. She is anxious about her leaking urine.
I was afraid that you would focus on those words., but hopefully you've opened the link and read the rest by now.
There are many kinds of pain.
May you both find peace.
(I meant to say that many A2K folk provided solace in my post above - In case I made no sense.)
Tico - I haven't yet, but I will......
I guess I have cried over the losses of several pets myself. I willingly stayed with Kuvazs and his babies until they were all gone.......... ok.
Oh no. I was away, so I hadn't heard the news. I don't know what to say except that I'm sorry to hear that it's getting to that point now, littlek. I was hoping it wouldn't get to this point so quickly. That's really tough.
I hasn't seemed quick to me. I was thinking about it tonight. I believe a couple of things about death. I think there is no reflection, post mortum, of any sort. It's lights off. I also believe that everyone dies alone. That last moment, you are alone, no matter what is going on around you. I don't know why I believe these things, I just do. So, if there is no reflection back after death - why does it matter so much about when you die? How you die is important. Pain should be ended at end of life and should not be instilled if actively ending a life. But, if a dog like Boo is dying a slow, but not painful death (I guess we all are after birth, no? But there is pain for some of us), does it matter so much at what point death is induced? Maybe I'm numb, emotionally drained - or maybe I am seeing things more clearly. Either way, I am in denial about the next few days. I am not letting myself think much about it. I am not letting myself change my mind. I feel bad because people in my family don't know what to say to me, really. They are all just waiting. I feel a little like I'm imposing.
Sorry about the ramble. Thanks for stopping by Kicky. I can't, for the life of me figure out what the hell is going on with you (jailed or not? stray cat or not? Thistle or not?)
Kris, focus on yourself and Boo. You have a good head on your shoulders (well, on your neck, really) and worry too much about how things are for others. Friends and family will hurt with you, whether you want them or not, that's just how it is.
I can't write about Boo right now, have to go to a darn meeting soon and am all red eyed. Thinking of you both.
I'm not that concerned about the family (hey Dag). I am just trying to find my way and it's hard to see with all the dammed tearing up.
Dunno what to say, 'k......I am in kind of the same boat with Oscar right now...........and it is awful cuddling with your fur friend, while speculating about when to end it.
But, as you say, it is harder for you because Bootsie is apparently not suffering in any physical way, and you are trying to balance what you think is her happiness quotient with what you think is her distress quotient, and it's making your brain the anticipatory grief.
When stuck, give a hug.
We're all thinking of you two.
Sorry to hear about Oscar! I haven't been keeping up with your news.