I find most of the Rainbow Bridge website too sicky-sweet, but that page seemed to be real. Or at least, it sleeved in with my own ethics.
littlek wrote: ... I believe a couple of things about death. I think there is no reflection, post mortum, of any sort. It's lights off. I also believe that everyone dies alone. [snip]
It appears that we have a similar belief system.
littlek wrote: So, if there is no reflection back after death - why does it matter so much about when you die? How you die is important. Pain should be ended at end of life and should not be instilled if actively ending a life. But, if a dog like Boo is dying a slow, but not painful death [snip] does it matter so much at what point death is induced?
You are focussing on physical pain, but I think there are other types of pain just as compelling.
Right or wrong, I cannot help but project my own values onto my pets. When I can no longer run with the pack, when I must lie in my own waste until someone cleans me up, when I spend most of the hours of a day wondering if anyone will notice me, and when I am at the mercy of everyone and everything, then I hope that someone will have the kindness to euthanize me.
Damn, when I re-read what I wrote it sounds cold. I'm not that way at all -- I want to run and give you and Boo hugs and comfort and make it all better. Life sucks.