Dookiestix wrote:Quote:Maybe if Bush's inauguration celebration was paid for with taxpayer money you would have a point.
As Bush will not reimburse D.C. for their homeland security expenditures, and as Bush is cutting those funds to most major cities, it would seem that they'd need to make up the difference. Don't taxpayer dollars pay for firemen, police, etc.? And there'll be tons of overtime that'll need to be considered.
At least some of these Hollywood stars who attended the Golden Globes are making their own contributions to the Tsunami relief effort, as I have done already.
Absent your pointless submission is the realization that any large city would be happy to host such an event, because the increased commerce and notoriety more than makes up for the costs. Despite the expenses you note, it is a net gain.
By the way... how many of you raised a similar stink at the $165,000,000 plus "security" associated with unveiling the world's largest doublewide?

Oh, yeah, that's right. None of you did. Because this is really nothing more than partisan politics as usual.