What is Evangelism?

Reply Wed 18 May, 2022 06:03 pm
(Adapted from the "I'm Mad as Hell" speech)
So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and look out at the sky. I want you to look out at the sky, and look as far as you can in one direction. I want you to look to your right as far as you can, and then to your left as far as you can. And then I want you to slowly trace your field of vision, until you see like me that there is a small circle about yourself that represents your field of vision. Miles long to be sure, but a circle around you, yes.
And I want you to jump out that window, injuring your knee in the process. And I want you to trace this circle upward. You will have to lie down on the grass by the end of it. And you'll see that the limit of what you can see is actually just a small dome around yourself. And I want you to tell me how it makes sense that a distant object millions of miles away can be seen at all, no matter how big it is. There is nothing outside the dome that you can see.

You see this dome created by your field of vision, and you conclude that the Earth is round. No, your field of vision is hemispherical, and it's created a distortion in what you can perceive. But if you trace this field downward, you will notice that the edges actually extend straight. They don't arc around any ball. You can easily prove where the edges

The Earth has plenty of seams, actually. Somehow clouds and stars look nearby, but you can walk an impossibly long distance and never touch them. Look back at the FOV model. Unless you're a Hyuuga, you can't see behind you, but there's an intermediate layer of your field where there's something like a mountain far off at the distance, but which is farther than it appears. But unlike mountains, no amount of vertical altitude in a plane will make it to the sun or moon, and these clouds aren't curving in the sky toward ground level (I know it looks this way, which is why you're confused).
There is literally a screen of clouds around us in any direction.
This screen is on the outside of Earth. So you can't just sail into the sunset like Truman did.

You know the earth is round and you toy with people because you can't think of a genuine way to get attention without flaming others.

"Surely you must believe the Earth is round and you're just kidding..."

No, I don't. I don't believe that at all. This field of vision dome that controls what you see can be compared to Plato's Cave. You learned about that, right?

You think these clouds are real, and that they're curved around the Earth. But this an optical illusion. You see the seams between earth and sky right at horizon line, and you keep walking in circles trying to pursue this horizon. Actually, you're in a box.

Try booking a trip to South Pole by TripAdvisor. I did. Not only did it redirect to Ushuaia when it promised "Cheap Flights to South Pole" (Ushuaia is in Tierra del Fuego not Antarctica), but it didn't even complete that search, giving me no results. Not using six plane changes, zero results. They won't let you get close to the area. Suspicious? Damned right it's suspicious.

Supposedly, Air New Zealand offers flights from Buenos Aires from Auckland, it goes right through Antarctica and takes 12 hours. Oh? So when I ran a search on a plane trip search, I instead get this:

3 stops? 52 hours? Why, it's almost like they're going across the Earth instead of simply flying directly through Antarctica. Unless... there's a problem with flying directly through Antarctica.

So, I call Air New Zealand on their claim of a route from Buenos Aires to Auckland. Guess what? They don't have any planes in Buenos Aires!!!
Check it out yourself! It skips from Brussels to Buffalo. No Bueno.

Oh yeah, and the website that made this claim about Air New Zealand? They admit that the plane never flew through Antarctica, yet still pass it off as "If the Earth were really flat, it'd never be able to make this trip in that amount of time." If the Earth were really not flat, they would be able to fly through without issue. But the plane changed route. And now we don't even see this route!


There is no scheduled commercial flight route which fly’s over Antarctica’s “Polar Routes” Flights from New Zealand to South Africa could fly over the Antartica route, but currently no airline has confirmed regular scheduled flights over this route.

However, there are a few flights which fly over the north pole regularly. Routes from the East Coast and Midwest to Southeast Asia and China typically fly this route for the time and fuel savings For example, New York to Hong Kong, Shanghai or Seoul now fly this route over the north pole or “Santa’s Shortcut”!

I've actually been the Santa's Shortcut route. We went from LA to China via Canada. I figured they'd take this route, but they went straight up.
This makes sense on a flat Earth map, btw. It's a straight line.
Reply Wed 18 May, 2022 06:10 pm
Wrong. If you were to fly a plane at the speed of light at 8am in east coast of the United States, you would only need to go about 12 hours (or roughly from New York to Tokyo, only 3,370.53 mi away) to completely lose sight of the sun.

Light years away? You'd just need a plane that could get you there instantly, and you could do this without ever leaving Earth.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 19 May, 2022 03:15 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

It's funny talking to you sometimes. Though still not as funny as Cobbler, as I suspect he's actually stupid.
It's a bit like speaking a different language.

Alright, so you see that lovely map that has two yellow balls above with all the fuzzy light zones?

So, (1) it takes roughly 12-15 hours for the sun to pass out of our sight. (2) This sun's light overlaps much of the world but not all at once, (3) it's actually quite easy for things to pass out of our sight; this is because despite tall tales about being able to see stars light years away (the explanation that makes alot more sense is that these aren't actually stars, and don't ask what they are, because you'll find the explanation very hilarious), our sight is actually pathetically limited. You see those grid squares on the map there? Our vision is actually more pathetic than that. On a good day, we can see a few hundred miles from a high mountain, maybe, and near water level it's closer to three miles (without any obstructions). Average it about 11 miles with no obstructions, and that's assuming there are any interesting objects. So maybe we can see into the stratosphere looking up, if there are no clouds. The sun moving away from our sight? Pretty easy actually. (4) If we are saying that the sun is roughly the same size as the moon, the moon's diameter is 2,159 mi. The thing is, this is only a quarter of the size of the Earth, and I actually suspect it is smaller and closer. (5) Earth is also 81 times the mass of the moon. Remember I talked about about the enormous heat of a sparkler making it relatively harmless despite being as hot as a blowtorch due to its small particles and low mass? Well, the sun is not only a quarter of the size of the Earth, but is effectively a low watt bulb. It's not going to cover the Earth with light, because it is relatively dim. A yellow sun is not much better than a red sun, except for maybe Superman. (6) That the sun rises in the east and sets in the west means that it orbits west to east. Let's go back to the picture.


Okay, you see that white dot, and the circle around it? That's you and your pathetic field of vision. The sun casts a significant amount of light for a long period, but once it gets outside your territory, you literally cannot see it. Actually, what surprises me more is not the idea that the sun can flood the Earth with light, but that you can see it for as long as you can. I would say that sunlight only covers 4 grid squares in either direction. That should be less than half the circle, or less than twelve hours. Clearly this radius is bigger than I think, but nowhere near big enough to "cover the entire world." There's no reason why it should. The experiment I told you about earlier, of shining a lantern or flashlight on a map, it doesn't cover the whole space, just a circle radius.

Yeah, Cobbler is my next target...

So you are saying that this flat Earth thing only works if the Sun is a very small thing; very close to the flat Earth; that it circles the Earth rather than the other way around; and that Australia and the southern part of Africa and South America never have any daytime.

Wow, I hadn't considered that.

Okay, let me think that over. I'll get back to you.
Reply Thu 19 May, 2022 06:56 am
You propose this farcical flat Earth rabbit hole because your want to distract from the fact that you don't really believe in any of this Bible crap.

You are not a teacher, you are distortionist.

The difference between you and me is I do believe in many things in the Bible, those things just happen to be the things that are true, the rest I have no interest in.

For instance, "God is love", that interests me. The Earth is flat? That is merely an obstruction to any worthy purpose other than noise.

You dissect the meaning of the word "know" until you know nothing.
Reply Thu 19 May, 2022 08:00 am
@Frank Apisa,
Lol, take your time.

I mean, it could be slightly larger, since our days are like 15 hours long. But it seems to fit very neatly into the moon.

Btw, two smaller moving objects eclipsing each other is alot harder of an event to happen than one non-moving huge object. I feel like you'd get an eclipse of some sort every day or night with a nonmoving sun that large. A bit like hitting a dart board with Russian missile locked on the spot.


Instead, they have to literally cross each other's path. That happens less often when you have an eclipse two objects passing each other in space. You can probably predict it, if you know how often it happens but an exact spot with perfect weather is pretty rare.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 May, 2022 08:32 am
Actually I really do believe in this Bible crap.

But you're using woke Facebook memes, and arguing with me to distract from the fact that you don't have the foggiest idea what evangelism is. From the first post, you had a fixed idea of what evangelists are, and your were doing evangelism by about page three, starting with links about what surveys say.

Evangelism is witnessing. You may think this only works in regard to Christianity, but it's any sort of being a bother. Right now for instance, I'm being a flat Earth evangelist. But I've very much seen your quick links to articles meant to sway us.

Jimmy Carter Creates Solar Farm To Power Half Of His City

It seems doing some genuine good and being a caring Christian always comes with the words liberal and science attached to it.

You do know that solar power is not only enormously unreliable (we have only solar lights to guide our driveway, and they're no good any day that it have been overcast) but also in larger doses, a source of graphene pollution? Oh yeah, and cadmium washout.
Graphene breaks into shards that can cut your hand off, and is sharp enough to break the molecules of water, causing water pollution. Btw, wind power slices up birds at a record number. And neither of these are a reliable solution to our power crisis, instead causing record gas prices.

That naively thinking of a situation as good, misses the fact that this is really about virtue signalling?


The fact that cadmium can be washed out of solar modules by rainwater is increasingly a concern for local environmentalists like the Concerned Citizens of Fawn Lake in Virginia, where a 6,350 acre solar farm to partly power Microsoft data centers is being proposed.


Hydroelectric and geothermal are reliable sources of energy. Hydroelectric works anywhere that water flows through, making it suitable for three seasons a year. And geothermal is at the top of its game during the winter. Both of these use standard nontoxic components like glass, steel, or concrete. Solar power uses cadmium, graphene, and a number of other things that are expensive and/or toxic to make, and at least as much to dispose of.

The guy that you are praising as a good Christian just made an environmental disaster. Also, he didn't even power a whole city?

Good Christians don't virtue signal. They don't do deeds to be recognized. They do things because they care about them, realizing they may do more harm than good, realizing they are imperfect. A good Christian is like a good Taoist. They aren't good for goodness sake, but more grey than white. A person who tries to be perfect usually finds themselves believing the ends justify the means.

This is your evangelism. You believe in woke leftism, and think it's identical with the Christian mindset. But it's kinda not. At all.

My evangelism is whatever the hell I'm interested in today. If you talk about scripture, I usually am fine talking about that. But I can also evangelize you on the value of baby orcas. They're delicious! 😋
Reply Thu 19 May, 2022 11:22 am
Wind turbines kill about 234,000 birds a year, whereas cats kill 2.4 billion a year.

Maybe you should try eating cat instead of baby orcas?

Cars kill approximately 60 million birds per year. Of over 8 million lane miles of roads in the US, 6.3 million, or over ¾, are in rural areas where most birds are presumably killed.

Wind farms also help birds by curbing global warming.

Your knowledge of scripture is worse than your knowledge of science.

bulmabriefs144 wrote:
Btw, wind power slices up birds at a record number.

Record numbers? Comparted to what?

And birds choking on carbon monoxide and developing pulmonary diseases and tumors from dirty oil belched into the sky is that your solution?

Global warming so your tiny lightbulb sun can fry the earth?

And hydro dams kills fish as well...

But not as many fish as an oil spill and plastic polluted oceans.

You are as dense as a rock.

And you use that same brain to talk to God?

What a stunning contradiction.
Reply Thu 19 May, 2022 11:51 am
And about "woke leftism"...

Most of us lefties come from the right.

We had enough sense to get out when republican gun freaks started shooting up grade schools.

Yet you stayed.. You stayed asleep while your party burns around you.

Like a frog slowly cooking in a pot of water too dumb to jump out.

Not woke but radicalized with misinformation and outright lies. Gladly consuming the crap. You'll swallow anything that causes harm to others.

Pretending to be holy you exemplify the things that Jesus hated.

Too braindead to wake from the nightmare of Trumpism and Nazi authoritarianism.

Spouting your fake religion while baby orcas cry...
Reply Thu 19 May, 2022 01:33 pm
The First Minutes The Dinosaurs Went Extinct

Or, the earth is flat. (cynical)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 May, 2022 02:22 pm
Cats are doing their job. They generally kill birds to eat them. Wind turbines kill an unknown amount of birds, because the people involved cover some of the deaths up. No birds are eaten, and disease and death gathers in the area.

Cars can slow down, and only injure or outright avoid birds. I do not believe that statistic. Wind turbines, on the other hand, continue to spin even as they are cutting through solid bird flesh.

Global warming is not a thing.

A Really Inconvenient Truth: Global Warming Is Not Real

In two million years of burning things (wood, coal, gas), the Earth has not had a warming crisis. But in the last 100 years of climate alarmism, our Earth has switched to from paper to plastic, being told it was good for the environment.
So good for the environment.

And people try to justify solar and wind, when they have destructive side-effects.

Since there is no globe (see my posts above), and it is not warming, we are effectively castrating our workable power sources to instead trust sources of energy that pollute the water and kill the birds.

And birds choking on carbon monoxide

Carbon dioxide. Cars have become increasingly efficient over the years, and while it used to be that carbon monoxide was a problem, today it is outweighed by carbon dioxide and other gases. I live in a small town, with plenty of forests. There are no birds dying here. If you live in a city, and birds are choking, you haven't planted enough trees.

My tiny lightbulb sun isn't affected by your silly greenhouse gases.

As for killing fish as hydroelectric dams, there have been over 100 years of law negotiation on this.
Generally, there are three ways dam owners protect fish: (1) making pathways for fish to go around the dam, redirecting the fish; (2) laws against building fish in known spawning waters such as salmon areas; and (3) actively building fish spawning plants near the dam.

No such consideration exists for wind turbines. They kill birds, and hide the bodies. It doesn't fit their green narrative.

I shall only eat baby orcas until you agree that solar and wind farms be dismantled. Their innocent lives are in your hands. As you continue support of wind and solar over hydro and geothermal, this guy is my dinner.


0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 May, 2022 02:56 pm
You mean you got tricked by the Satanic leftist news.

Criminals shoot up grade schools. The party of criminals, who gives them welfare and the right to vote? The left.
Who wants to defund the very police that stop crime? The left.

No police and no guns. How you propose to defend yourself if someone wants to mug/rape/shoot you? Oh right, you can't. There's a dirty secret about schools that have been attacked. They all have signs like this nearby.

Meanwhile, this is what the right does.

Hmmmm, which school does a thug who wants to do a mass shooting go to? The one where they might fire back at you? Or the one where you might get arrested (but parole under leftist states is a joke, and you wind up back on the streets in a few years).

The right goes to church. The right hunts and fishes.
The left is Godless and lawless. The left forces licenses on things that our ancestors could do without any pieces of paper.

You believe Jesus was a socialist, I'll bet.
Socialism is in favor of state-led redistribution of wealth. But Jesus told people to pull their tax money out of a fish. This would be like sticking a salmon on your W-2 just so the accountant could get a nasty smelly surprise.
Moreover, in Luke 12:13-15 someone tells him to make a brother share with the guy. Jesus refuses to get involved. Lastly, some of his parables have capitalist themes. Jesus is clearly cynical about economics, but he has one guy give the wealth of the poorest to the richest guy in the parable of the talents. In the workers of the vineyard parable, when they complain, the owner tells them that he has the right to pay them however the hell he wants. Private charity based from the bounty produced by capitalism. Not socialism.

And because he was peaceful, you think he was pro-gun. Actually, Jesus told his people to carry one sword.
He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.

(Luke 22:36)

Reply Fri 20 May, 2022 08:10 am
People like you who twist the love and "kind Samaritan" parts of the Bible into their own political hate, you are the satanists.

Jeremiah 2:13 For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.

Broken "Trump" cisterns that can hold no water. The God of living waters has no fellowship with the republican seditionist death cult.

2 Thessalonians 2:4
Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

Your authoritarian Trump gun fetish death cult is idolatry, satanic and contrary to the will of a loving and merciful God.

Matthew 15:8
This [right wing] people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

Where is your heart? With Satan, indeed...


Pity we have to militarize our schools to stop your republican pals from shooting children.

I still don't read your posts... Write something worth taking the time to read for a change.
Reply Fri 20 May, 2022 10:17 am
You don't even understand what love and hate are.

I was in two Pridefest gatherings. I was in a trans group. I saw plenty of vibrant costumes. For myself, I wanted to look like a legit woman, as close as possible. I wasn't interested in drag but legit trying to pass.

I heard rhetoric about "love" and how "love wins" when the LGBT group managed to get its way.

...But then gradually, I began to see how much of what these groups called "love" was anything but. The nearby Holy Comforter church was a committed advocate for them, they refused to thank them or even acknowledge their existence (solely on the basis of them being a church). I saw how anti-church in fact some of these groups were, actively blaming God for what were essentially their own failures. I saw firsthand, how one of my LBGT club basically harangued a waitress for being confused when a person was trans-masculine in a group that was mostly trans-feminine. This waitress was probably fire after the night. I saw the same club being boorish, and under-tipping, treating people as peons and serfs with their general attitude. I saw the general less than human treatment that LGBT groups had of outliers. LGBT and conservative? You don't exist! That's what they told me "No such thing." It was more important that you be liberal than you be LGBT. This wasn't love. I didn't feel loved, I felt rejected. Depersonalized. Hated, in fact. And what about the Christians that have their jobs threatened because of the left's "love"? A cake maker in Colorado was minding his own business. One day, people who had a freaking wedding in Massachusetts, decided that he was being "hateful" and "bigoted" and needed to go several states over to harass him, and force him to bake a cake. I can't remember if he said he would bake the cake but could not be involved in the gay wedding, or whether he said he couldn't bake it either. But you've missed the point. What about giving people in another state who are minding their own business a hard time is love?
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

I learned about the Log Cabin party, and that while not as openly mentioned by the right, the right was actually fairly tolerant of the group. Yes, many conservative groups think LGBT lifestyle is immoral. But they place LGBT above party grouping. They don't resort to slurs like "tranny" when they find out you don't match politics (my overall experience with leftist hypocrisy). My experience with the right is that they are honest about whether they agree or not with your actions, either liking you regardless or telling to your face that they think crossdressing is wicked and sinful, with no double standard about voting for Biden. You're a terrorist that killed thousands? It won't matter how you voted. What I found in practice was that mainstream churches generally were fine with who I was. They treated me like a pretty woman, and they made me feel beautiful inside. The left made me feel like I had to keep changing who I was, that I had to go through with a surgery. In church, I was a passing crossdresser? I was fine. I was not "hated." I was made to feel loved. My right-of-center uncle (his wife is far left, so we only find out that he's conservative when he's away from her) told me about times when he experimented with gay sex. Now I'm not into that, but it made me realize how supportive he would be with the real me. My very right (but not as far right as me) father and mother? They saw me at an opera in femme, and were proud of me. They accepted me as female, though they did set up ground rules. Their idea was actually the opposite of what I expected, but something I came to like. "Don't wear this around the house. If you want to dress up, wear it for work or church." I couldn't be happier with this idea.

The cisterns of the left don't hold water. Like with Jeremiah, they break what works (earning your own money, having tax writeoffs for charity), in favor of forced rapacious taxes. These taxes eventually make it hard to do business, as inflation also gets out of control. Pretty soon, only rich liberals are driving cars. Wealth for me, poverty for everyone else. This is the left's idea of equality. They are hateful, bitter, unpleasant people. They are a broken cistern.

For your information, the right proposed that idea. It's kinda funny that you'd think they'd attack areas that they helped defend.
Reply Fri 20 May, 2022 02:48 pm
So, how did we get from flat Earth, to left/right politics?

It's simple.

The world that God made is the true Earth. This false image of the world is paved over, or concealing, the nature of the Earth.
"We need high carbon taxes to protect the world from climate change."
No, nothing humans do can ruin this Earth. It is made by God, it is flat, and it is a beautiful thing that repairs itself like a living thing. It is not a mass of rock like the planets NASA mentions, it is a world teeming with life, which itself is almost alive.
But you've been actively trying to despoil the world for the last century as a method of telling people that it needs to be controlled. High taxes are a way of putting people in chains. Civilized people are not insects. They do not need to scratch out a living by rubbing sticks together. They can live with dignity.

God created us in his image, gave us bodies made of the dust of the Earth, and gave us love in our hearts. Yet seeing this world as a mere planet subverts the true meaning of everything we are. We are not made of mere rock and soil. We are crafted as part of a great chain of life. We are not tiny parts of a lonely universe, we are exceptional, and we live in a world where the sun and moon are in submission to us, instead of us being pulled along by an orbit. This is important. Now, if you want to be a slave, that's up to you. But I choose to accept the true version of Earth, the version where human beings have dignity. Satan's false simulacrum is designed to make us slaves of our own mind. But we are free. Our chains are not real, and they have been broken since about 30 AD or so. The Messiah came, and he ransomed for our freedom.

Though I gotta admit, this picture of God looks metal as ****.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 May, 2022 03:02 pm
For once, an honest and open post from you bulmabriefs144.

I am proud of your courage to come out from behind your banter here.

I do understand what love and hate are.

First, love is a constant and that constant it up to "me".

Don't weigh your constant with the capacity that others must love, were you to walk in "their" shoes (or heels) you might be crass, superficial and insulting as well.

At least they are up front about it.

They do not gather in their secret fake religion societies and plot how they can force transgender individuals into bathrooms that don't fit their choice.

What is worse, forcing a transgender woman to use the men's room or chiding the waitress for not knowing her pronouns?

What is worse, shooting up schools or raising taxes on the rich who pay zero in taxes? I don't know of any tax whatsoever proposed on the middle class that is supported by democrats and Biden...

You want approval from republicans because your own approval of yourself is not sufficient... You seek approval from your captors? Pleasing your masters?

It is evident that your own love of self is less meaningful than the love you seek from others. This is not uncommon in our society but it is up to "you" to use your faith to be self-sufficient in your own self-love. You have to please yourself more than your desire for others to please you. THAT is love. Only when you are happy in yourself will you be worthy of others.

When love from others is your prominent goal, then you will eventually find the rude awaking that people are bound to "let you down". Shatter your world and turn you into a bitter and resentful person (more than you already are). You expect gays to feed your ego, they have problems of their own they have been victimized by the conservatives hypocrites until they have often lost their own love constant (not unlike you).

Even your gun loving, Trump voting, closeted uncle will eventually let you down... Trouble in paradise. I expect that disappointment to come much sooner than later. Your days in the republican party are numbered, you don't see that, but I do. I was like you once. I sought God’s approval and that turned out to be a maddening and self-emaciating folly. Seek your own approval and be happy with that. Leave the fake two-faced republicans and their God to their own demise. My God is the Earth and Sun and the things that are beautiful and lovely.

Finally, brethren [and sisters], whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

You will be devastated if you leave the constant of love up to others and not yourself. Once you find your own self-love and you are comfortable with your own approval, you will be free. This is the meaning of liberal and liberty, emancipation and freedom. You are fighting your own liberation. You do not understand love, and the irony of your situation.

One thing your superficial gay friends have is they do not pretend to be straight, they have no problem wearing the bisexual or gay banner.

Though "I" speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, "I" am nothing.

The constant of love is up to "you", not others.

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from our own self love...

Love yourself and your problems will be solved.

Stop seeking approval from people who really don't care about anyone including themselves.

They are nice to you now but when the tide turns you had better have yourself and your own self-love constant together. They are plotting against you as we speak.

My greatest emancipation I have ever experienced in my entire life was leaving the neo-republican party, their approval and their fake religion... (truth)

My own boundless love has been constant ever since.

I not only understand love but I know love very well.

The constant of love is up to me.

Love is inside you, not something you need to find in others.
Reply Fri 20 May, 2022 06:58 pm
I do understand what love and hate are.

"I am filled with love for other people, and I hate those bigots that don't understand that!"

Unfortunately, I've encountered this sentiment far more often among that left than I want to admit. And the really pathetic thing is that it's so internalized that they don't even seem able to admit it. Instead, they project their hatred to imaginary causes and against real people who actually just want to live in peace.


These are the "bigots" you hate so much. In the last 150 years or whatever, they've updated things, but you know what? They're still desperately poor.


They don't have any use for your social media influencer job, they're busy delivering the food you eat and the energy that you use. Your job takes the resources they use, and uses them to whine about first-world problems like that "those people" don't like your Tik Tok persona. Get over it! Unless in Hollywood, you're pretty unlikely to get killed by them. Especially since you're in a city, and they're out in the boonies. Meanwhile, here are third-world problems.


She's one of the less hungry looking ones, but notice that she's homeless.

Dude, the average person on the right is honest with themselves about the people they dislike. The left can't even admit when they're being hateful.

My own boundless love has been constant ever since.

You are so deluded that it's actually kinda scary.

So lemme be real with you. Trump voters have done nothing whatsoever to you. There was nothing preventing your city life from going on during the entire Trump presidency. Economics were pretty good, and jobs were not that bad. But you are so hateful and jealous, that you sabotaged something that actually worked, in order to be spiteful. Meanwhile, Biden is actively turning my country into a third-world country, while you snidely talk about how hateful people are.

"Stay indoors for two years!" (In direct violation of much of our Bill of Rights)
"We need to shut down this pipeline that is employing hundreds of people (maybe thousands) because the Native Americans are miffed. And the environment!" (Yeah, except the alternative sources are not nearly as clean as you think, and electric cars are basically energy guzzlers)
You basically have to cut down trees in order to supply the amount of energy to charge cars for hours and hours.
"We need to get rid of gas and switch to electric cars. So let's screw with the supply chain, and mess with the price of oil. This will save the planet" Nevermind that it makes the poor (who you say that you're the party of) basically starve trying to scrimp for fruits and veggies, nevermind meat, now it's $8.99 for a bag of oranges, burgers at a restaurant that used to be closer to $3.99 (we're talking cheap to middle quality burgers) are now pushing $9.99 or even higher. And look at this $18 meat. Btw, Select is 3rd rate meat. You are paying what used to be for higher quality cut like Choice or Prime, for only Select.

You're an awful person, and I rightfully hate you. I have no use for your idealism, and even less for your hypocrisy. You talk of love while you drag other people down to your level. You support people who actively cause pain to others. The price of housing, gas, food, all of these went up under Obama. And these are a problem again under Biden. This, and not "hate", was why they voted for Trump. They were told that there would be a $250k fine for misgendering people. I'm not kidding about this. Do you think people wanted to go broke every time they made a mistake? There are literally transmasculine women who still want to be addressed as "she". How the hell is any same and reasonable person to navigate that? $250k is price of a house! One slip up, and you're in debt up to your eyeballs. Even if I rightly suspected that this was someone who wasn't in the binary, I'm not gonna know that "ze" or "xir" wanted to be addressed as such. That is a sick joke, that isn't very funny when you are already struggling with rent. I was fine with hanging out with actual sweet trans people. I drew the line when despite Trump trying to help them out, they marched against him. Why? Mostly because the HRC said that he was bad. Let's talk about the HRC...


“It’s irrelevant because it was already settled. It’s law. It was settled in the Supreme Court. I mean it’s done,” Trump told Lesley Stahl when the CBS reporter asked the president-elect whether he supported marriage equality.

Trump doubled down and suggested he would not appoint judges that would seek to overturn the ruling. “It’s done. It– you have– these cases have gone to the Supreme Court. They’ve been settled. And, I’m fine with that.”

“I’m fine with that” surely does not fit the talking points being promulgated by the LGBT Left. Here was the president-elect, a man who has long been compared to Hitler by progressives, saying he was fine with marriage equality. What did the LGBT community have to fear if their right to marriage was safe?

Even more telling, Trump made it clear that there was one case he would work to overturn — the 1973 case of Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion. Even though that was “settled” law, Trump stated he would appoint Supreme Court justices to return the issue back to the states.

“The judges will be pro-life,” Trump said while advocating a state-by-state approach to abortion. When Stahl pointed out under such an approach some women might be denied an abortion, Trump stated, “Yeah, well, they’ll perhaps have to go, they’ll have to go to another state.”

Translation — Trump has no qualms seeking to overturn Supreme Court precedent (on abortion), but he has no desire to do so when it comes to marriage equality. Trump, thus, was telling evangelicals he was with them on the issue of life — our most fundamental right — but was not willing to do battle over civil marriage. This was the surest signal to the LGBT community that Trump was not a foe, but a friend.

If one needs further proof, look no further to my former employer, the American Family Association. Spokesperson Bryan Fischer, hearing the news of Grenell, tweeted: “Heads up to conservatives: we’ll have to fight Trump as hard on the homosexual agenda as we would have had to fight Hillary.” Fischer knows he and AFA are toast; political dinosaurs that are so marginalized on LGBT issues that they are political parodies born of a sad joke.

So if the Christian Right is so impotent that no amount of blue pills can help them and Trump is not a foe to the LGBT community, where does the great LGBT threat reside? That would be with a LGBT Left that must keep the gay community in a perpetual state of culture war to raise indefinite amounts of cash.

If equality is achieved and the current GOP president unequivocally stated he will protect that equality, why do we need groups like HRC? We don’t and that is why the claws are out.

Oh yes, some things happened that could broadly be construed as anti-LGBT. But if I, a genderfluid transfeminine person am not worried, don't you think you'd better look at them more closely? Meanwhile, under COVID restrictions I hadn't been outside for months, and by the end of it, I had gained weight and lost some hair. Thanks Biden, for screwing with my trans identity.

You are literally dripping with hate about what you think happens.

What is worse, forcing a transgender woman to use the men's room or chiding the waitress for not knowing her pronouns?

This was a scare. It was not something that was a real issue. If you passed, nobody nowhere would force you to use a men's restroom.



Hey hun, do you honestly think any lawmaker would enforce that? No, they would enforce it if you're a bearded creeper in a bad dress trying to molest women or kiddos, both of which typically wind up in a women's room.


My job gave me grief about entering the women's once. I was respectful and didn't enter when women or children were peeing or changing, but I entered anyway. Nobody gave me grief again. We are just here to pee, and if you pass, nobody cares.


They would care far more about someone taking protest pictures who looks like a dude, being in a women's restroom. Fake issue. And I know this from personal experience. If I'm not presenting as female today, I don't go in a women's restroom.

Most every conservative that I talk to, if I address them like "I'm worried about what bathroom to use," they will simply tell me. Usually either use the unisex or the women's like other women. It wasn't a big deal, and they were sweet about it. They tell me what they think, and there's a relationship based on honesty. I'm genderfluid, I used BOTH restrooms. Nobody has ever given me a hard time.

But you can't even admit when you hate someone. You talk about "abounding love" when you drip unpleasant memes since page 4 of this section harping on how bad Christians are. You assume people are hateful solely on their basis of being Republican or Trump voter or being Christian (unless it's your brand of woke "Christianity"), never bothering to ask them why they believe the way they do. Hateful stereotypes right there, and we are now on page 88. Then you wax poetical about your "boundless love". Nuhhhhh. Enough is enough. Look, you accuse me of being hateful if you want but I don't care much if someone messes with me. But I get pretty yandere about them messing with my friends or loved ones. So when they vote for those that raise the cost of living or worsen medicine, yeah you are the problem. My next door neighbor has all sorts of back and stomach issues, and the doctor is like "We'll treat you sometime."

Dude, at the very least, be honest with yourself.

Reply Fri 20 May, 2022 07:51 pm

Remember, I talked about wind and solar power earlier? It gets worse!

The expansion of the Rio Tuba mine and the subsequent destruction of nearly 9,000 acres of ancient rainforest documented by the NBC News report underscores the growing global demand for rare earth minerals which are essential for not only electric vehicles, but solar panels and wind turbines. Worldwide electric vehicle sales, which currently account for just 4% of new car purchases, are expected to surge to as much as 34% of total global sales by 2030, according to an International Energy Agency estimate.

They are tearing down thousands of acres of rainforest to collect nickel for these things, just for 4% cars and a few wind/solar, and when it gets to 34% cars and wind/solar everywhere, will you notice?


They tried to pull this crap in our area. We had an actual national park. Some "green" shithead wanted to bulldoze part of the park to make a solar farm.


Meanwhile, most guys would not only insist this gal (and she is one, regardless of how she was born) use the restroom, they would date her. Whether or not she still had her old parts.

The conservatives who say otherwise have never seen a hot transgender person. They are basing it off what they know of drag culture. Which is funny, because guess where the bastion of womanless beauty pagents in school are? The Deep South.


It turns out, they are very tolerant of people who look good.




Traditionally, the South has viewed their girls and women with an inordinate degree of chivalry, seeing them as precious gems to be honored and celebrated for their femininity. To lampoon girls in a womanless pageant with an exaggerated and homely burlesque of the “fairer sex” would be anathema to them. If their boys are going to portray girls for an evening, they will do so in a way that honors and celebrates their beauty and special status.

What they aren't into... is drag. Particularly bad drag. Particularly bad drag coupled with a shitty attitude. Put in the effort to look good, and don't expect favors. You are more likely to endear yourself to them than someone who looks like a lunch lady or a pervert. It is that simple!
Reply Fri 20 May, 2022 08:24 pm
bulmabriefs144 wrote:
"I am filled with love for other people, and I hate those bigots that don't understand that!"

I didn't say love for other people, I said love for yourself.

You say you love other people because you're seeking their acceptance when the acceptance you really need is from yourself.

Your love is conditional.

If you love yourself then your love for others would be unconditional.

"Love seeketh not her own..."
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 May, 2022 08:38 pm
bulmabriefs144 wrote:
Trump voters have done nothing whatsoever to you.

Trump voters are shooting up movie theaters, schools, churches and threatening voting pollsters and their families...

They tried to murder our electorate in their sedition and hang Mike Pence because he would not go along with their fraudulent electors scheme.


These victims of Trump's thugs are my fellow country men and women turd brain!

You post a bunch of garbage, you are full of garbage.



Ku Klux Klan to Hold Donald Trump Victory Parade in North Carolina | KTLA
Recognize any of your pals here?

You are your own worst enemy.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 May, 2022 08:46 pm

These people are poor because they are governed by republican crooks who steal money from their schools and refuse to pay them a living wage!

Trump gave tax breaks to himself and billionaires.

And you say this right wing corruption does not effect me?

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